Magic Moon: A Young Boy's Journey (Vol. 1)

Children - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
34 Pages
Reviewed on 08/23/2023
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Author Biography

Shirley Moulton has been close, personal friends with Magic Moon for her entire life. He asked her to write some of his stories, so, naturally, she did. He observed the author as she worked professionally with children (for 35 years). His author also has a few university degrees. He became rather excited when Magic Moon: A Young Boy’s Journey (Vol. 1) and Magic Moon: Sister’s Turn (Vol. 2) audiobooks were published, especially as some of his worlds don’t have any technology at all! He's also received some great reviews! Hopefully, he won’t let all this attention go to his very large head!

Shirley Moulton's first book, "Magic Moon: A Young Boy's Journey" is actually a story she told to her grandchildren one night. She was using a large flashlight, shining it on the ceiling. Two rings glowed around the central light, so she made this "Magic Moon." She developed the story with "Magic Moon" having power to grant two requests.

She has now written and published five Magic Moon books: Magic Moon: A Young Boy's Journey (Vol. 1), Magic Moon: Sister's Turn (Vol. 2), Magic Moon: Two Worlds (Vol. 3), Magic Moon: A New Beginning (Vol. 4) and Magic Moon: Bears Ears (Vol. 5).

ILLUSTRATOR Marilyn Whitchurch loves all things magical and has been creating drawings from her imagination and observations ever since she can remember. Her dream is to one day see a unicorn in the real world and convince it to pose for a drawing (after she rides it, of course).

    Book Review

Reviewed by Kayleigh Perumal for Readers' Favorite

In Magic Moon: A Young Boy’s Journey by Shirley Moulton, Magic Moon is a fearsome entity that grants two requests once a month to all who manage to make the journey up the treacherous mountain to visit him. However, there are limitations to these requests. The first request must be to find a lost treasure, and the second must be for something good that will not cause harm to anyone. Although the boy is young, he is also determined and brave. His younger sister begs him to ask Magic Moon to find her beloved toy doll, and although he had wanted to ask Magic Moon where his only and favorite toy had been misplaced, he chooses to make his sister happy. She is overjoyed to be reunited with her dolly, and her brother is content knowing this. When he befriends a new child at school, he returns to see Magic Moon again. Will the omnipotent being grant the boy his second request?

Magic Moon is a lovely children’s story about courage and selflessness. Shirley Moulton wrote Magic Moon with flair. Her prose is simple yet beautiful. It was a pleasure to read this heartwarming tale. The characters in this story are fleshed out well and very likable. Magic Moon, who is initially intimidating, is shown to have a witty sense of humor. The young boy is also very sincere and endearing. His generosity and kindness are commendable traits that children may find inspiring. Marilyn Whitchurch’s glossy full-page illustrations are also a welcome addition to the narrative. Readers of all ages will enjoy this enchanting story.