Lie Me Down Among The Cold Dark Pines

Fiction - Crime
337 Pages
Reviewed on 09/14/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Rabia Tanveer for Readers' Favorite

Lie Me Down Among The Cold Dark Pines by Mike Maroney is a crime novel featuring a hardheaded mother, a preacher son, and an intelligent daughter hellbent on saving her family. Sixteen-year-old Hart was tired of living on the road. Her mother Nancy was never good, but her brother Howell needed her, so Hart did her best. In a stroke of luck, Nancy inherited a house after her grandmother died, and it looked like the family would finally have a place to call home. However, things went downhill the moment they arrived when the family dog brought in a severed human hand. A dead body was found just near her Uncle Milton’s place, and the police were sure it was bad old Milton at it again. Hart believed it was not true and that he was innocent. So, she started a crusade to prove Milton was innocent without knowing the mess she was stepping into.

Mike Maroney surprised me with Lie Me Down Among The Cold Dark Pines. From the very beginning, I could tell something bad would happen, and no one would be able to protect Hart and Howell, especially not Nancy. While she loved her children (in her way), she was more focused on making money and staying out of trouble. Hart, on the other hand, went looking for trouble when she decided Milton was not behind the death of that girl. She was resilient, smart, and very perceptive for someone who came back to a small town after a long time. The mystery behind the drugs and who was behind them was thick. The pace was fast without being overwhelming, and the author made sure readers were too immersed in the mystery to stop reading anytime soon. I hated Abigail Mayflower and never really liked Brandi. Dave was very easy to hate, and Hart was just perfect. I highly recommend this novel to anyone who loves to read small-town mysteries.