Karmic Selling

Earning Business by Earning Trust

Non-Fiction - Marketing
176 Pages
Reviewed on 10/27/2023
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Not everyone is enamored with the modern corporate approach to selling, where businesses prioritize profit margins over client satisfaction. After working for noted companies such as Goodyear, GE, and Honeywell, Stan Gwizdak finally had enough of the corporate culture of greed and opened his own consultancy firm, The Kormac Group, to help clients get what they want. In Karmic Selling, Gwizdak explains how helping others without an agenda helps forge connections that inevitably lead to success. The author describes how prep work is the key to building connections. It includes researching the person, not just the company, on a professional and personal level. The book will teach you to plant the seeds for long-term relationships, how to approach the first, second, and third meetings, identify the needs of the clients, and much more.

With Karmic Selling, you will learn to use questions to direct conversations, anticipate uncomfortable questions, and build trust through conversations. Learn to differentiate between hard and soft follow-ups and always offer clients the opportunity to say no. Stan Gwizdak emphasizes the importance of having a system of taking and organizing notes and expanding one's circle of business friends. With each chapter, Gwizdak provides case studies and reflection exercises to help readers better grasp the points discussed within the chapter. The author uses personal anecdotes and stories from his life that led him to open his own firm, and this helps readers relate to the author and the subject matter on a personal level. This is one of the most unique books on selling I've ever read. Stan Gwizdak's approach is refreshingly authentic and very much needed for our times. Highly recommended.

Edith Wairimu

In his brilliant, transformative business guide, Karmic Selling: Earning Business by Earning Trust, Stan Gwizdak explains how to grow an authentic business through building relationships and connecting with people. When Gwizdak graduated in 1989 with a mechanical engineering degree, he was eager to join the corporate world and develop his career. Despite experiencing many disappointments, he remained in the corporate sector. The 9/11 attacks and their aftermath left him and many others he worked with feeling out of control. In 2004, he was involved in a serious car accident. This event led him to quit climbing the career ladder and instead focus on getting to know people and helping them. He shares his remarkable journey and the decisions that led him to succeed in his personal and professional life.

This is a terrific guide that is both articulate and practical. As someone who has worked in the traditional corporate world, I could relate to Gwizdak’s experiences. I loved his emphasis on building relationships and approaching people with the aim of helping them and not just making a profit. Such important elements are often ignored in the corporate world. The case studies are eye-opening and expand the book’s discussions. The reflection questions offer room for reflection and include helpful suggestions for applying the information offered. Karmic Selling by Stan Gwizdak is a must-read not only for professionals who want to escape the corporate grind and build people-centered businesses but also for anyone who wants to be more authentic in business and establish longstanding business relationships.

Constance Stadler

Traditionally, the idea of dealing with a salesperson has the reputation of engaging with one who practices deceit. Karmic Selling: Earning Business by Earning Trust is a revolutionary book that links professional success by proving there is another way—a 180-degree turnabout that redefines reward. Financial success matters but is not a primary goal. After a near-fatal accident, Stan Gwizdak experienced an epiphany that revealed his deep dissatisfaction, regardless of his executive role. The book's theme is that the path to a fulfilling life depends on being an authentic, ethical person, something impossible to achieve working in a toxic environment. Upon demonstrating the ‘why’, the narrative turns to a how-to approach, illustrating successful ways of changing priorities and cultivating respect for all, along with defining effective preparation and underscoring ways of possessing valuable knowledge and establishing lasting connections.

One of the book's many strengths is the mode of expression, seemingly casual and anecdotal yet appreciative of how difficult this transition can be. There is the emphasis that many will not want to adopt this outlook and that the best choice is to walk away. Case studies of those who have reaped benefits from this approach, and conversions to the model designed by Stan Gwizdak, fortify this way of doing business. We live in a society where initial distrust is frequent and often met with suspicion. Karmic Selling revisits the tenets of Hinduism, Buddhism, and other ways of perceiving. These principles have long existed but needed updating, translation, and integration. This is what Karmic Selling does exceptionally well.

Bryone Peters

Karmic Selling: Earning Business by Earning Trust by Stan Gwizdak is a refreshingly unique perspective on selling in business. It takes selling out of the realm of sales in the traditional, one-sided manner and encourages a gentler, more approachable method. Stan emphasizes connection. The sincere connection between people long before a sale or business deal happens is imperative. People need to know that you have integrity and are authentic. Stan believes that preparation is crucial. This is followed by asking key questions to understand your client’s needs better and to see if there is a way that you can help, often without payment. Stan endorses the maxim that trust begets trust. These key aspects can result in short-term victories but also long-term friendships. However, it all starts with a clean heart.

If I had read Karmic Selling by Stan Gwizdak when I was starting as a saleswoman, I might have stuck to selling a bit longer. The introduction was excellent. It will resonate with many people as it did with me. Stan is honest and straightforward. He includes business quotes that demonstrate his mantra of living with karma in mind. Stan supplies practical advice and explains how it worked for him and other successful people in his circle. The book is thorough in that it covers all the potential rationalizations you may meet as a salesperson and the best way to handle various situations. Stan encourages people to learn the cultural norms of a potential client, which is excellent.

Joe Wisinski

Karmic Selling is a sales book in which entrepreneur Stan Gwizdak reveals how he built his career by helping others. After working in corporate America for years, a horrific car crash changed his life and led to him starting a consulting business. He built his business on the concept of asking what he could do for his potential clients rather than what they could do for him. Gwizdak writes that another important aspect of karmic selling is making an authentic connection with the people you’re doing business with. The book includes numerous case studies from other people and reflection exercises, where readers are asked to apply the concepts they’ve learned. Other important parts of the book are the many pull quotes that highlight important points and inspirational quotes from well-known people.

Karmic Selling is a powerful book. Author Stan Gwizdak turns the concept of sales on its head, encouraging his readers to think about what their potential clients want and need, not what they, as salespeople, want. Gwizdak gives many examples of how karmic selling has worked for him but also tells his readers about failures that he’s experienced, wisely knowing that readers learn from others' mistakes as well as their successes. I found the case studies and reflection exercises to be immensely valuable because both help apply Gwizdak's concepts. I especially must point out that this book is not only for salespeople. It’s for anyone who wants more success in business or personal relationships. It reminded me of Dale Carnegie’s immortal How to Win Friends and Influence People. I highly recommend Karmic Selling to anyone who is looking to improve their lives.