It's All Upward From Here

Fiction - Realistic
313 Pages
Reviewed on 08/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

After surviving a near-fatal car accident, Tae finds solace in a new relationship with Natasha. She encourages him to confront the dark secrets and tragedies that have plagued his family's past. As he opens up about his relatives' calamities, including motorcycle accidents, infant deaths, and suicide, Tae begins to release the weight of his struggles with addiction and anger. He finds a sense of freedom and catharsis for the first time in his life. With Natasha's support, he begins to break free from the pent-up emotions and guilt that have driven him to self-destructive behaviors. However, his desire to break free from his past ultimately leads him to make drastic decisions, including destroying his home and leaving with his therapy dog Rocky, only to be met with more unexpected tragedies and revelations. Will his troubles ever end? Find the answer in It's All Upward From Here by P. Cruise and R. Winters, a tale of heartbreak and transformation.

It's All Upward From Here is a poignant novel that delves into the devastating consequences of loss and the struggle to cope with grief. The story explores issues such as depression, addiction, and loneliness, providing a raw and relatable portrayal of the emotional turmoil that can arise when families face unimaginable tragedy. P. Cruise and R. Winters expertly guide readers through the tumultuous journey of Tae's life, weaving a narrative that spans various stages of his existence, from childhood innocence to adulthood disillusionment. As they recount the events leading up to each loss, they raise the profound and existential question: why did God allow these tragedies to occur? This query reverberates throughout the story, echoing Tae's inner turmoil. This captivating tale will linger in your mind long after reading it. Tae’s story is not over, as there is a sequel that I cannot wait to read. Overall, this is great work.

Pikasho Deka

It's All Upward From Here is a riveting drama by P. Cruise and R. Winters. Montae Armstrong (Tae) was twelve years old when he started seeing a therapist to deal with the shocking deaths in his family. Twenty years later, he still lives in his decrepit childhood home, navigating alcohol, drugs, and jail. His cousin Simone was eleven years old when she drowned in the pool while in the care of his parents. As the years passed, one by one, Tae lost his siblings to a motorcycle accident, leukemia, and suicide. At the same time, another one of his cousins, Terry, died after a stabbing in a fight started by Tae's older brother, Neal. After his girlfriend, Natasha, finally has enough and leaves him, Tae takes the first step toward getting his life back on track.

It's All Upward From Here is a gripping tale of two families whose fates are bound together by loss and tragedy. When they are young, children need proper guidance from their parents to steer them toward a decent life. Authors P. Cruise and R. Winters beautifully weave this message into a non-linear narrative that constantly switches timelines and POVs yet keeps you thoroughly engrossed in the story. The book is filled with heartbreak and offers a glimpse into the human condition during a person/family's lowest lows. However, it ends on an optimistic note. The authors' masterful handling of the characters will evoke deep emotions in the reader as it's easy to sympathize and feel for the characters and the situations they find themselves in. This is a character-driven drama at its finest. All in all, I enjoyed it very much and highly recommend it.

Luwi Nyakansaila

It's All Upward From Here by P. Cruise and R. Winters is an emotional and heart-wrenching story that delves into the struggles of Nathaniel Tae Armstrong. He is haunted by his family's tragic past and his own demons. The book explores themes of death, grief, closure, and forgiveness as Tae grapples with the weight of his family's generational trauma and tries to break free from the cycle of pain and suffering. He opens up to his new girlfriend, Natasha, and contemplates visiting a therapist, but walking the straight and narrow proves to be more difficult than he anticipated. Meeting people who continue to remind him of his lost loved ones and uncovering old family secrets only adds to his sense of turmoil, leaving him feeling lost and uncertain about how to move forward.

It's All Upward From Here is a deeply moving and introspective novel that tackles complex social issues and profound philosophical questions. By exploring the aftermath of tragedies and their impact on survivors, the book sheds light on the human experience. It encourages readers to grapple with the mysteries of life and suffering. Tae's vulnerability and authenticity make him a complex and relatable character who readers can easily connect with. His struggles and triumphs are woven together in a way that feels deeply human, allowing readers to empathize with his emotions and experiences. As they journey alongside him, they'll find themselves rooting for him and invested in his growth, making for a compelling and engaging read. This is a must-read for anyone going through loss and wanting to transform their life.

Diane D

Enjoyed reading this book.Your life can change in a matter of seconds.I am sure we can all relate to some of the characters situations.When you are born into a dysfunctional environment its up to you to either continue the cycle or free yourself.