Iceapelago 3

Fiction - Dystopia
250 Pages
Reviewed on 08/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Grant Leishman for Readers' Favorite

Iceapelago 3 by Peter Brennan is the final episode of the excellent futuristic series based on seismic events that effectively destroyed much of civilization and created small self-sustaining communities in various parts of the world. These communities are still struggling to survive, now three generations on from the initial seismic waves that swept across the earth. In what was once Ireland, small groups of survivors have clung to life despite the effects of the “Big Storm” and the Eriador seismic waves. Many have perished through these events and communication between the various groups is almost non-existent these days. However, more worrying for the small groups is their unsustainability beyond a third generation, with only siblings making up the young populations and outside eyes looking at Iceapelago with envy as a way to escape intense climate change and drought in Southern Europe. The Principality of Rio Formosa in what was formerly Portugal is viewing Iceapelago as the perfect place for their citizens to relocate and is planning on taking control of the small communities there by whatever means necessary. 

Iceapelago 3 is a look at a world that could easily happen and is a frighteningly enjoyable read. It is not difficult to imagine these types of seismic events actually occurring. With most of our cities on the coast, a worldwide seismic event and resulting tsunamis could very easily wipe out civilization as we know it. Equally, the climate change events precipitated by the collapse of the Gulfstream and other significant climatic events are very real even today. Author Peter Brennan has created a realistic scenario that is not only believable but infinitely scary. This type of dystopian outlook makes us question how we would react and cope if suddenly the veneer of civilization was torn away and we had to rely on our resources and abilities to survive. Although this is a series, it is not necessary to have read the first two to fully enjoy this one. The author consistently drops gems of information to feed the backstory to readers. The idea of climate refugees is something we had never considered even fifty years ago but is now looking like a real possibility before the end of this century. What this book does nicely is weigh greed, envy, and power against the realization that if anyone is going to survive into the next century, societies must work cooperatively, in peace, and with a common goal - the survival of our species. What I particularly like, apart from the excellent story, plot, and action, is that the book makes readers think about possibilities for the future and forces readers to put themselves in the characters’ shoes and ask themselves how they would cope. I thoroughly enjoyed this read and highly recommend all three books in the series.

Bryone Peters

Captain Vasco da Gama has orders to find a habitable place for his people to live. Terrible storms and tsunamis wiped out entire populations. Now, the desperate survivors, climate refugees, are looking for a new home to live in. If it means exiling a smaller group of people to ensure their survival, that is what they will do. However, no one wishes to give up their home or leave a comfortable place. The people of Malahide Castle are not happy to move. They will have to fight. The climate refugees thought that they would easily take Malahide Castle and its land but they were wrong and this is only the beginning. Iceapelago 3 by Peter Brennan will capture your imagination from start to finish.

Iceapelago 3 by Peter Brennan is a suspenseful, entertaining, and enjoyable story. The reader can see the necessity of finding a land where desperate people can survive. The story is well-written because one can see events from the perspectives of the protagonists and the antagonists. It shows how leaders and their ideologies can lead to war or peaceful negotiations. The best part was when Orla shot Captain Vasco da Gama in the arm. It shattered his assumption that taking over the island would be painless and easy. I enjoyed the tactics that the Commander of Iceapelago, Rory, used to compete with his imminent adversaries. I like the descriptions of the maritime structures and the seafaring vessels. Any boating enthusiast would undoubtedly enjoy the attention to detail.

Bernadette Longu

In Iceapelago 3, Peter Brennan has taken a very contentious topic and written one of the most interesting and more realistic stories about what happens to the world when global warming hits and there are tsunamis and great ice storms after the Gulf Stream collapses. The author does not leave out the fact that there will be diseases that rear their ugly heads and can eradicate whole populations of areas. The world loses the capability of making modern medicine, producing electricity, and even to some extent producing food. The story takes place in and around Ireland and her islands as well as the fact that more islands are formed after the Eriador Event, as the survivors call it.

The main characters are Jorge Paul De Sousa, Captain Vasco De Gama, Admiral Rodriguez, Hazel Henry, grandchildren Tony and Kate, and their grandfather Don; Rory, founder and builder of Malahide Castle, and his grandchildren Jon and Orla. The characters take the reader on a journey of not only discovery about the world around them that they have not had a chance to explore since the great storm, but also show the reader how resourceful humans can be and how they can come together to defend their homes and family and are still willing to accommodate outsiders but with a caveat. The story captures the reader's attention from the prologue to the very last page with the most profound ending I have ever read. Peter Brennan's writing style makes the reader feel as if they are actually there and living the experiences of the characters. This is a most exciting and inspiring book and it is well worth more than one read. Iceapelago 3 is the type of story that would attract new readers who are just exploring the world of books.

Afifa Raisa

In Iceapelago 3 by Peter Brennan, mostly isolated human communities inhabit a world that has suffered extreme consequences of climate change. Iceapelago, a region with several islands, is slowly recovering from the multiple devastating events. Backed by their hard work and relatively favorable weather conditions, they are doing better than many other places worldwide. Their conditions make the less-fortunate Principality of Ria Formosa in Portugal eye Iceapelago. The leaders of Ria Formosa are determined to call this region their new home; with the responsibility of accommodating thousands of climate refugees on their shoulders, they are ready to take desperate measures. Some daring citizens of Iceapelago, including third-generation survivors, learn about their plans by chance, and they will not give up their lands without a fight. Will the inevitable conflict lead humanity toward further turmoil before Mother Nature does?
Peter Brennan’s Iceapelago 3 presents a frightening picture of what the world might look like if humans lose the fight against climate change. These struggles, however, are not the only aspect that Peter focuses on. In this beautifully crafted work, he shows how humanity, despite numerous challenges, continues to thrive through faith, industry, and cooperation. Tolerance, empathy, and willingness to forgive and move on can generate lasting and powerful solutions to problems that are crippling the world, and this is one of the key messages that the story delivers effectively. This marvelous book, jam-packed with suspense and action, is difficult to put down. Iceapelago 3 is highly recommended for fans of dystopian fiction.

K.C. Finn

Iceapelago 3 by Peter Brennan is a dystopian novel set a decade after the Big Storm, where the once-frozen world of Iceapelago begins to thaw, bringing new challenges to its survivors. As the sea ice melts and crops flourish, the isolated, self-sufficient island communities attract attention from the desperate leaders of the Principality of Ria Formosa in Portugal, who set their sights on Malahide Castle Island. Rory, the Iceapelago Commander, must defend his homeland against these climate refugees, with the future of Iceapelago hanging in the balance.

Author Peter Brennan offers readers of his exciting series a tense and immersive narrative that raises the stakes higher than ever before in a world where survival, community, and morality really matter. His depiction of a post-apocalyptic world recovering from environmental catastrophe is both vivid and thought-provoking, and there’s tons of detail and perspective to help you visualize this climate-ravaged world and the people trying to live in it. Brennan’s ability to explore gritty resilience, physically demanding settings, and the ethical challenges of resource scarcity makes for a suitably complex read with a lot at stake. The characters within the tale are brought to life with strong dialogue choices and a detailed narration that lets us feel every hardship they endure. Rory’s journey was especially complex and interesting as he balanced responsibility with guilt and his own personal dilemmas. This is a compelling conclusion to an interesting and original trilogy, leaving readers to ponder the true cost of survival in a changing world in a way that’s also relatable to our world right now. Overall, I would certainly recommend Iceapelago 3 to readers of the existing series as an action-packed conclusion that is satisfying and enjoyable from cover to cover.