Heaven and Hell

The Psychology of the Emotions, second edition

Non-Fiction - Self Help
210 Pages
Reviewed on 11/23/2019
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Mamta Madhavan for Readers' Favorite

Heaven and Hell: The Psychology of the Emotions by Dr. Neel Burton gives readers insights about emotions and how these rule when it comes to determining their choice of profession, partner, and politics, and also relating to sex, money, and religion. The 32 chapters work best when read sequentially and will help readers realize: 'to control emotions is to control ourselves, and to control ourselves is to control our destiny.' Emotions are varied and they can be motivating and non-motivating, amoral or moral, positive, negative, and so on. Reading this book will help readers realize how deeply emotions are knitted into their lives and these not only reflect and reveal one's values but also help shape or refine them.

The author tackles the topic with confidence and expertise and the chapters segue into each other perfectly. Every emotion has been dealt with in detail and shows readers how dominant emotions are in their lives and how intimately these are related to traits, moods, desires, perceptions, and beliefs. The book will also help readers understand the importance of taking emotions seriously, which has always been neglected by the education system. The author gives an entirely new way of looking at emotions and how these play an important role in everybody's lives to the extent where neglecting emotions can lead to millions of lives going wrong. This book is a good way to make readers look at their emotions and deal with them in a manner that their future and destiny are protected.