Gigglet The Happy Little Piglet Goes to Summer Camp

Goes to Summer Camp

Children - Preschool
24 Pages
Reviewed on 07/11/2024
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Author Biography

A.M. Berkowitz, a screenwriter and children's book author, has rapidly emerged as a cherished voice in children's literature, known for her ability to weave tales that capture the hearts of young readers. Born in Kansas and having lived across the United States, Berkowitz's diverse experiences enrich her storytelling, bringing a unique blend of creativity and relatability to her work. Since beginning her writing journey in 2018, she has dedicated herself to fostering a love for reading and imagination in children. Residing in Las Vegas, Berkowitz’s writing is not just a career but a passion project aimed at keeping the wonderment of childhood alive. Her first children's book, "Ladybug Kisses - Besos De Mariquita," laid the foundation for her enchanting style, which continues to shine in her acclaimed "Gigglet the Happy Little Piglet" series. Berkowitz's commitment to crafting engaging, heartwarming stories that spark joy and curiosity in young minds has made her a beloved author among children and parents alike.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

Life is full of happiness and fun things to do, as Gigglet finds out when she goes to summer camp. In A.M. Berkowitz’s Gigglet the Happy Little Piglet Goes to Summer Camp, Gigglet is off to Camp Chick-A-Dee where she can play with her friends, run races, eat yummy snacks, do arts and crafts, row a boat, and sit around a campfire. It makes for a full day or many full days, and Gigglet is as excited about going home as she was going to camp. Why? Because she can relive her fun by sharing her stories with her family. That is until sleep takes over and she snuggles into a deep dreamland, “in her cozy spot nestled in the hay.”

A.M. Berkowitz’s picture book, Gigglet the Happy Little Piglet Goes to Summer Camp, is another gem in the Gigglet series. It’s a simple story about the joys of childhood and all the fun to be had at summer camp. The language is simple, too, making it a great tool to teach young readers how to read. A lot of keywords are repeated, like “jump jump jump and bump bump bump” rhyming, to make a lyrical game out of learning to recognize these words. The illustrations are bright, bold, colorful, and full of life, adding another element to the story progression. This is a great addition to a young reader's summer reading list and will certainly encourage them to find fun in whatever they do during the holidays.

Donna Parrey

In author A. M. Berkowitz’s colorful children’s board picture book – Gigglet the Happy Little Piglet Goes to Summer Camp – young readers will be delighted with this little piggie’s summer adventure. Told in a compact 22 pages, the storyline includes a rhyming scheme and word repetition, both of which are readily embraced by young children listening to a book and by readers who deliver the lines. The camp’s agenda includes a wide range of activities that are often experienced by campgoers, such as physical races, a fun pie-eating competition, time to enjoy nature, and campfire sing-alongs. The grass-green and piggie-pink illustrations by Nifty Illustration match the text page by page and are appropriately childlike in their depictions of the piglet, duck, and cow. Gigglet is excited to recount her experiences when she goes back to the farm but is eager to return to camp the next day.

Readers meet the title piglet of Gigglet the Happy Little Piglet Goes to Summer Camp on the first page spread, all dressed in smiles and her camp uniform, waving the Camp Chick-a-Dee pennant. The attention to detail in the illustrations serves the picture book well. Children will notice Gigglet’s friendship bracelet, her badges, and her hiking boots. As A. M. Berkowitz’s story progresses, we’ll see Gigglet’s duck and cow friend, recurring characters at camp who are named on the back cover – Waddles and Dandy – but not specifically identified within the text. The liveliness of the animation will appeal to both children and adults, as both the text and illustrations depict jumping, stringing beads, rowing, and singing, brought to life with musical notes. Even a whipped cream mustache adds fun to the pie-eating contest. The loose rhyming structure is appropriate for children’s books, and the two pairs of words repeated three times each provide the repetition that little ones are drawn to. The story of Gigglet’s summer camp experience will make readers glad this little piggie didn’t stay at home.

Philip Van Heusen

Gigglet is a little piglet that loves going to summer camp. A. M. Berkowitz writes about Gigglet’s adventures at camp in Gigglet: The Happy Little Piglet Goes to Summer Camp. Many children have anxiety before their first summer camp, and this children’s picture book helps youngsters overcome their anxiety while increasing their excitement about all the wonderful activities that happen at camp. Young readers will see how much fun summer camp can be as they enjoy seeing Gigglet playing games, competing in a sack race, doing arts and crafts, and many more ways of communing with nature while enjoying time with her friends. There is even more fun when Gigglet shares her adventures with her family after she returns home. Children will laugh and giggle with Gigglet as they read the repeated words and see the fun she has.

Is summer camp in your child’s future? If so, Gigglet The Happy Little Piglet Goes to Summer Camp by A.M. Berkowitz is the book for them. The author writes with child readers in mind and presents all the wonderful adventures they will have when they attend a summer camp. The illustrations by Nifty Illustration add even more enjoyment to reading the fun verses in this book. If, as a parent, you take the time to prepare your child for summer camp, then spend time listening to them relate their adventures when they get home. You will have wonderful memories that will last a lifetime. This book is written on a young reader’s level and is fun. The repeated words will add to the fun of reading. Going to camp and this book belong together.


Gigglet the Happy Little Piglet is a delightful children's book that follows the joyful adventures of Gigglet, a cheerful piglet with an infectious smile and an irresistible giggle. Gigglet embarks on a fun-filled trip to summer camp, Camp Chickadee, where she engages in various activities and spends time with her friends.

Throughout the story, Gigglet's enthusiasm and happiness shine as she participates in a variety of camp events. She loves to scurry and play games, eagerly jumps and bumps her way to victory in sack races, and enjoys tasty pies with great relish. Gigglet also takes part in arts and crafts, making friendship bracelets, and enjoys canoeing with her pals.

Evenings at camp are filled with marshmallow toasting and singing around the campfire, where Gigglet's joyful voice rings out. When she returns to the farm, Gigglet shares her wonderful camp experiences with everyone, chattering happily until she drifts off to sleep, dreaming of her next camp adventure.

"Gigglet The Happy Little Piglet Goes to Summer Camp" is an endearing and energetic story that captures the essence of childhood fun and friendship. A.M. Berkowitz has crafted a charming narrative that will resonate with young readers, especially those who enjoy the thrill of camp activities and the warmth of camaraderie.

The rhythmic and repetitive style of the text, filled with playful onomatopoeia, makes it an engaging read-aloud book. Phrases like "giggle giggle giggle," "scurry scurry scurry," and "row row row" not only add a musical quality to the storytelling but also invite children to participate and anticipate what's coming next. This interactive element can help in keeping young readers engaged and entertained.

Gigglet's character is a wonderful role model for children, embodying positivity, teamwork, and the joy of new experiences. Her adventures at summer camp offer a glimpse into a world where fun, creativity, and friendship are the main themes. The book's vivid descriptions and lively pace make it easy for children to imagine themselves alongside Gigglet, sharing in her excitement.

Overall, "Gigglet The Happy Little Piglet Goes to Summer Camp" is a delightful addition to any child's bookshelf. Its joyful tone, engaging narrative, and positive messages about friendship and fun make it a perfect read for young children, particularly those who love animals and outdoor activities.

Ladona Stork

My grandkids are going to love this book. The images are bright and eye catching. I especially love the rhyming and repetitive use of fun words. It's sure to make little ones giggle.


A mi hija de 5 años nos gustó este libro. Es sencillo y pone en valor actividades simples que se pueden hacer en un campamento de verano.

El comienzo fue el mismo que el libro del verano y la playa de la autora, pero a mi hija no le molestó, a pesar de que leímos ese justo 2 minutos antes y entiendo que se repita pensando en los niños y niñas que no han leído otro libro de la autora.

Margarety Montalvo

I absolutely loved this kid's book. It is so engaging and adorable. This will for sure keep your little one entertained and happy to see it for a while. The camp stories and colors are great. It makes a great gift to a loved one.


Each page of the Gigglet book is delightful, with simple rhyming words and beautiful colorful illustrations. It is such a happy and upbeat book, that will engage a younger reader and provide enjoyment as they learn the repetitive descriptions on each page. A great way to encourage the enjoyment of reading.

Janice Slew

A young piglet loves to go to camp and spend her time with her friends! It also tells what the piglet is doing in the summer camp! It is a nice summer camp book for younger kids.
I love the illustrations and how vibrant it is!

Ivan serrano

Lovely illustrations that make the book attractive to toddlers. The story is easy to understand and read, so kids will love it. A good book to read to your children

Sharon A Lavy

The cute pictures and the repetitive little jingles make this an ideal book to read to toddlers. Once you get started they will want you to read it to them every day.


This is an adorable, happy little story about a pig named Gigglet and various fun experiences she has at summer camp along with her two pals, a duck and a cow. Great, colorful illustrations along with the cute, fun rhyming on each page, will surely become a favorite for the very young child. Recommend.


Gigglet is back, and this time she's off to summer camp with friends where she races, eats pie, goes rowing, does arts and crafts, and more. As with the other books in this series, the rhyming story is upbeat and the illustrations are adorable. I can’t tell you how much fun these books are for my little ones. I highly recommend all of the Gigglet books for any toddler or preschool-age child.


This is a good rhyming book for young children. It has nice illustrations and can peak a child's interest.


I thoroughly enjoyed Gigglet The Happy Little Piglet Goes to Summer Camp! Though it's geared towards children, its vibrant illustrations and engaging story kept me entertained. A delightful read for young hearts!

Rana Boulos

Gigglet is the cutest character! Children will relate to Gigglet in many ways and this time around it's during summer camp. I love the illustrations and the repetition of words in the book. Highly recommended for the very young.

Brendan Clarkin

This is a delightful picture book for youngsters. The text is fun, engaging, and appropriate for reading with young children. The illustrations are super cute, brightly colored, and highly appealing.

Naomi Ruth

I just loved this little book about Gigglet. The creativity in this name alone was precious. All the summer camp adventures that Gigglet and friends had were beautifully illustrated. A great read for children and adults may find it fun too!

Angela Allen

A beautiful camp adventure story children will delight in, with characters they will love. Bright and colorful, with repetitive words children will be repeating while it's read to them, making it an interactive and fun book.


This book is adorable and the illustrations are colorful and keep kids attention. Would recommend.


I am so happy that Gigglet is having a series of books. The stories are beautifully illustrated and contain a wonderful rhyming sequence throughout. There is always a sound effect to make on every page, which always has kids laughing and entertained. Only problem is that when your child sees all the fun things to do like; a sack race, arts and crafts, smores and many more they just might want to go to summer camp. I can not wait to see what Gigglet's next adventure will be.

Joy to Give

This book is adorable. Bright illustrations and cute rhymes make it a great choice for little ones.