
A Novel

Fiction - Science Fiction
394 Pages
Reviewed on 10/01/2023
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Author Biography

Stephen Albrecht is a writer and lawyer who has worked widely in the public and private sectors across the healthcare, banking and technology industries. He is a hiker, a softball coach, a husband and the father of wonderful twins. Born in St. Louis, Missouri, and more recently from Washington, DC, he currently lives with his family in London, UK.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Scott Cahan for Readers' Favorite

Futureproof by Stephen Albrecht is a science fiction thriller about technology that has gone too far. It takes some of the newest innovations of today and shows how they might affect our society in 30 years. The answer we get in Futureproof is fascinating. The story follows Joe and Evie Watson. They have an ideal life with three kids, a nice home, and fulfilling careers. Supercomputers called ex-brains are involved in literally everything they do. The ex-brains are considered good things that make everything better. Then, out of the blue, their perfect life is drastically interrupted. Joe is forced to undergo a change that makes no sense emotionally. However, according to Joe’s ex-brain, it makes perfect sense. And most everyone agrees that ex-brains know best.

Futureproof somehow manages to be extremely smart and very down-to-earth at the same time, much like one of the ex-brains featured in the story. Stephen Albrecht has a firm grasp of A.I. technology and computers in general. He also has a very natural style of writing that makes all the technical jargon easy to understand and digest. Even though Futureproof is set 30 years in our future, I found the premise to be eerily real. The book is well written, both from a technical standpoint and more importantly from a human standpoint. I also enjoyed the way the tension in Futureproof builds slowly but surely. The plot involves multiple strands that seem almost ordinary at first but then the strands begin to come together and the larger picture starts to become clear. Before we know it, we realize we’re looking at a work of art that is beautiful and terrifying at the same time. I highly recommend Futureproof to anyone who enjoys science fiction that is smart, clever, fun, and thrilling.