Formosan Vampire

From the Chronicles of Seth Ardelean the Cro-Magnon Vampire

Fiction - Horror
548 Pages
Reviewed on 01/07/2024
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Author Biography

Amadeus is a Multi-Gold Medal Award Winning Australian-Taiwanese writer who grew up in the 80s and has a diverse background spanning film, TV and radio, the military, electrical engineering, robotics, quantum mechanics, aviation, and elementary school teaching.

Amadeus enjoys reading and watching fantasy, horror, murder/mystery, comedy and science fiction movies and likes to experiment making new electronic devices. He also enjoys listening to film soundtracks, playing computer games and reading books with his son Alexander. To unwind Amadeus totters around and helps his mother with the gardening. And for extra fun he loves to scrap electronics and discuss quantum theory with his younger brother.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Formosan Vampire: From the Chronicles of Seth Ardelean the Cro-Magnon Vampire is a work of fiction in the historical, fantasy, horror, and thriller subgenres. It is best suited to mature adult readers owing to graphic content concerning violence, cannibalism, and fantasy horror. Penned by author Amadeus Rockefeller, this darkly fascinating work immerses readers in a unique blend of horror, history, and the supernatural. Set on Taiwan's death row, the novel introduces a foreign prisoner believed to be the leader of a vampire legion. The mystery deepens when the creature willingly faces execution. Eunice Wang, a young paralegal, unravels the enigma as the prisoner recounts a historical epic of his life as the Formosan vampire king.

Author Amadeus Rockefeller has crafted a smoothly-penned mix of horror and historical intrigue, creating a fascinating journey into a richly woven narrative. The storytelling prowess is evident in every moment of the confident narration, which seeks to delve deep into the human psyche as the protagonist recounts his immortal existence and the civilization he ruled. The historical backdrop, intertwined with vampiric lore, is really well-constructed with great detail, offering an eerily convincing look at history from an otherworldly perspective that fits in seamlessly. The vivid descriptions and well-developed characters populate the novel with interesting figures and strong presences, and I was impressed with the unique turns of phrase and dialogue of different people that we encounter. Rockefeller delivers a captivating story that transcends genres, making this novel a standout in the realm of vampire fiction. Overall, I would not hesitate to recommend Formosan Vampire as one of the best historical horror fantasies I’ve read this year.

Romuald Dzemo

Formosan Vampire: From the Chronicles of Seth Ardelean the Cro-Magnon Vampire by Amadeus Rockefeller will enthrall fans of supernatural and historical fiction. The immediate setting is the backdrop of Lyudao Prison, Taiwan, in 2022. Seth Ardelean is a vampire awaiting execution, and one wonders why such a powerful vampire allowed himself to be caught. As the narrative opens, he recounts his story that spans centuries and what led him to become the Formosan vampire king. Eunice Wang, a paralegal, arrives to interview the mysterious inmate before his execution and is drawn into a world filled with mystery. The author deftly melds past and present, blending supernatural elements with historical events.

Amadeus Rockefeller excels at creating phenomenal conflict, from Seth's struggles for thousands of years to his imminent execution, from his well-crafted plan for escape and the quest for revenge to mysterious circumstances surrounding the vampiric Dark Order and the explosive denouement. The setting in Lyudao Prison adds a tense atmosphere to the story, heightened by Seth's encounters in the mess hall and the underground chamber. As Eunice Wang digs deeper into Seth's story, readers are drawn into a world where vampirism, revenge, and an ancient civilization converge. The story takes readers through different historical moments, creating a compelling narrative of horror, history, and the supernatural. The characters are larger than life. Dark rituals and a vampire queen imprisoned beneath the cathedral are other elements of intrigue that augment the tension in this spellbinding story. The use of Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D minor is another plot point that intensifies the mysterious atmosphere. Readers who enjoyed Christopher Pike's Thirst will find enormous delight in this wonderfully crafted tale. It is as imaginative as it is entertaining.

Essien Asian

Eunice Wang believes the trip she is making to Lyudao Prison could have been avoided but, having drawn the short straw, she must take the necessary documents to Seth Ardelean to sign before his imminent execution. Upon her meeting the infamous inmate, he proceeds to relate the tale of his life which led him to this sad situation. Unknown to Eunice, Seth has no intention of leaving this world anytime soon. The young paralegal holds the key to his last chance at finding the only reason why he remains on this earth. Only time will tell if his outlandish scheme will succeed in Amadeus Rockefeller’s Formosan Vampire: From the Chronicles of Seth Ardelean the Cro-Magnon Vampire.

In this horror novel, the leader of an enigmatic group tries an extraordinary jailbreak to secure the freedom of his loved ones. Formosan Vampire weaves a frightening tale of blood and gore around actual flashpoints in the evolution of the island nation of Taiwan. The characters are masterfully crafted, with intriguing backstories that will pique the reader's interest. Once you become accustomed to Rockefeller’s storytelling style, the conversations between the characters are easy to follow. I found it impressive how much the main character's development departs from the conventional vampire stereotype. The organization of The Dark Order and their modus operandi made for some very interesting reading. Despite the detailed bloodletting, there is a romantic side to Formosan Vampire which will entice any reader to follow the story to its conclusion. Amadeus Rockefeller deserves plaudits for this piece of excellent craftsmanship. I look forward to the sequel.