Falling for a Star in the City

Young Adult - Romance
302 Pages
Reviewed on 07/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Manik Chaturmutha for Readers' Favorite

Falling for a Star in the City by Krysten Lindsay Hager follows Paige, a young woman navigating the highs and lows of her acting career and personal life in a bustling city. Paige is driven by her dreams of acting success and haunted by a recent breakup with Walker. Her journey takes an unexpected turn when she starts an internship at a TV station, initially performing menial tasks but eventually impressing the sports department. Paige faces professional and emotional challenges, encountering Viktor, a hockey player, and seeing her ex, Walker, whose music career was inspired by their split. The story captures Paige's inner conflicts and resilience as she navigates her evolving relationships with Walker and Viktor, culminating in moments of personal growth and professional achievements. Falling for a Star in the City is rich with themes of love, career ambitions, and personal discovery.

Krysten Lindsay Hager carefully shows the ups and downs of Paige's feelings and choices, helping readers understand her successes and failures. The writing is both engaging and straightforward and the use of humor and introspection maintains intrigue and emotional resonance. The descriptive language and relatable dialogue enhance the characters and their experiences. The setting is the vibrant backdrop of the city, and the tone is a blend of lightheartedness and emotional depth; both capture the protagonist's optimistic yet sometimes uncertain outlook on her future. Paige is a well-rounded character. Her interactions with Walker and Viktor are key to the story, revealing different sides of her personality and helping her grow emotionally. The other characters, like her friends and coworkers, enrich the story by showing the importance of friendship and support. The title itself aptly captures the essence of the story. The word "star" hints at Paige's acting career and her romantic interests, giving the title an intriguing double meaning. This sets the stage for the themes of love, ambition, and self-discovery that unfold. The book also gives a clear message of resilience and being true to yourself. It highlights the importance of real connections and having the courage to chase your dreams, no matter the obstacles. Falling for a Star in the City is a compelling narrative that resonates with its authentic portrayal of personal growth and relationships.

Priya Mathew

What if one day all the things you thought defined you as a person came crashing down one after the other? In Krysten Lindsay Hager’s Falling for a Star in the City, Paige experiences this firsthand. Her job as an actor in a soap opera is shelved, her aspiring rock musician boyfriend Walker gets his ticket to stardom right after she breaks up with him, and her family doesn’t think she has her priorities right. Paige can see her world crumbling around her. An internship at the TV station offers her a fresh start and introduces her to the world of sports reporting, but also makes her cross paths with Victor, a hockey player, with whom she sparks a connection. While their friendship turns into a potential relationship, Paige questions her desires and is still unsure about her stance on Walker and his attempts to rekindle their romance. Will Paige manage this emotional rollercoaster and discover what she aspires to be and who her true love could be?

Falling for a Star in the City is a contemporary romance that will put you through the emotional wringer. Krysten Lindsay Hager puts her main character Paige through so many setbacks in the initial chapters that you can’t help but empathize with her. Paige felt like a broken needle in a compass, unable to find direction in her career, relationships, or even her own identity. The story moves with some unusual twists while Paige still figures out her purpose. Victor is depicted as an individual with his emotional baggage, and it is interesting to see how the characters grow along with the storyline. I found it especially intriguing that Hager portrayed Walker, the ex-boyfriend, as a captivating character. Even though he comes across as a flake who thrived after their breakup, the narrative avoids painting him as a villain. The story also briefly touches on the loss of a dear one and the bond formed by friends over shared experiences of grief. Falling for a Star in the City captures the highs and lows of finding one’s path and true love.

Carol Thompson

In Falling for a Star in the City by Krysten Lindsay Hager, readers are introduced to Paige, a young woman navigating the complexities of career aspirations, relationships, and self-discovery. Paige’s life seems perfect with a role on the soap opera Charmed Lives and a relationship with Walker, a budding rock star. However, her world quickly unravels when her acting role is reduced, and family pressures push her toward a more conventional career path in journalism. To add to her turmoil, Walker signed a record deal immediately after their breakup and released an album inspired by their relationship. Things begin to turn around for Paige when she secures an internship in the sports department of a local TV station, where she meets Viktor, a college hockey player. As Paige and Viktor grow closer, Paige struggles with doubts about their compatibility and the presence of Walker, who wants to get back with her.

Falling for a Star in the City by Krysten Lindsay Hager is more than a love triangle story; it’s about self-reflection and confronting insecurities, family expectations, and personal fulfillment. The novel explores themes of identity, ambition, and the courage to overcome external pressures and live life as one wants. The novel’s strength lies in its authentic portrayal of contemporary challenges, engaging dialogue, and a narrative that balances romance with personal growth. As readers follow Paige’s journey, they will be inspired by her resilience and determination to grow, ultimately seeking genuine love and a deeper understanding of herself. Falling for a Star in the City will appeal to readers of young adult novels with strong overtones of romance, inspiration, and identity.