Fallen Messiah

A Vampire Novel

Fiction - Paranormal
398 Pages
Reviewed on 08/06/2024
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Author Biography

S. G. Hardt is an American author who writes horror and dark fantasy mixed with history and an eye toward the future. After traveling throughout Europe, Egypt, and Asia, he found a love for ancient history and the cultures that existed long before the American experiment began. In his first novel, Fallen Messiah, he brings together characters from different points in time and places them in an era where AI will soon surpass human intelligence. Touching on struggles with technology, faith, religion, and blind ambition where ends justify all means, this novel touches on what it means to be human in a rapidly changing world.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Lexie Fox for Readers' Favorite

Fallen Messiah is a paranormal novel by S.G. Hardt that tells the tale of a young woman named Sierra. She encounters a vampire coven whilst breaking into a mansion with her boyfriend in a rash attempt to find the money she needs to solve all her problems. As she resists the allure of the coven and, in particular, its charming leader, the morals she has maintained all her life begin to dissolve as her primal urges beg to be satisfied. But unbeknownst to Sierra, her resistance to the call of the coven is the only thing holding back a devastating fate for the rest of mankind.

Not for the faint of heart, this book is a charged and rewarding read for fans of the vampire genre, going beyond the usual trappings of the seductive vampire romance format to tell a deep and engaging tale. The narrative dances throughout various periods of human history to weave a stunning tapestry of drama, romance, and philosophical musings about the nature of human beings. S. G. Hardt is an excellent writer, constantly drawing us in and keeping us guessing with a well-considered world. A collection of superbly nuanced characters heightens every threat, every heartbreak, and every moment of intimacy by drawing readers in and getting them invested in the people aboard this rollercoaster of a narrative. Fallen Messiah is a cut above the rest of the genre, managing to balance a breathtaking scope with an enthralling intimacy to create an unforgettable supernatural story.