Fall and Recovery

Non-Fiction - Memoir
264 Pages
Reviewed on 10/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

Fall and Recovery by Joanne De Simone is a memoir of her experiences as a dancer and mother. Following her son Benjamin's birth in 1999, developmental issues led to diagnoses of cerebral palsy and lissencephaly. De Simone found herself battling anxiety and isolation while managing Benjamin's medical needs, which consisted of a rigorous care regimen that included therapy and medication. De Simone contrasts the structured nature of ballet with the freedom of modern dance and uses it as a metaphor in her story. She champions the early intervention services that supported Benjamin’s development and informed her role as an educator. She eventually relocated to West Orange, New Jersey, and facilitated Benjamin’s participation in a general education program, while also working through her other son Sebastian's developmental delays, and raising two children with special needs.

In her book Fall and Recovery, Joanne De Simone opens up and shares with readers the stages of her journey, which literally starts on a stage, in an authentic and raw conversational retelling. Her writing is both introspective and engrossing, leveling out the emotional toll of an often dysfunctional medical landscape, and showing us how she juggled it. De Simone’s resilience shines through in her fierce determination to provide Benjamin with the best care possible, utilizing innovative therapies and advocating tirelessly for his needs. I loved how she tied everything into her past experiences as a dancer, and it is clear that this history informs her adaptability in ways many of us would not be able to do. That's why her story is so vital. She walks the walk by aligning herself to a powerful testament on the importance of acceptance, and community support, which she provides in the book itself. Overall, this is an informative and inspiring read. Very highly recommended.