Down Comes the Dark

Elemental Book 2

Young Adult - Sci-Fi
244 Pages
Reviewed on 09/28/2023
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

Dev and Raya are from Solaran Prime, a distant planet from Earth. Right now, Raya is on Earth with new friends she has made who are like family to her. Did Dev make the right decision to leave her on Earth, and how will her two-year wait turn out? Meanwhile, she decides to study for her doctorate, and she is also scanning for signals from her home planet. Dev had thought of turning the Dauntless around before entering cryosleep to go back for his girlfriend, but he didn't. Back in Solara, he has to answer for stealing a ship to go after Raya. Will he be punished for it? In Solara, things are getting out of hand with the terrorists. To find out how things turn out with Dr. Raya and the hunt for the heartless terrorists, get a copy of Down Comes the Dark: Elemental Book 2 by Liane Mahugh.

Down Comes the Dark by Liane Mahugh is a must-read! Sometimes science fiction can be tedious because of too much jargon, but not this book. I was hooked from the first chapter to the last. Despite this being the second in the series, it can easily be read as a stand-alone. The plot flows flawlessly, leaving no room for confusion for the reader. Liane also utilized suspense to great effect, which kept me on the edge of my seat. The fast-paced narration kept me intrigued and entertained. The characters are also well-developed, and the reader will appreciate the easy-to-understand language used, which makes the book accessible to all kinds of readers. I cannot wait to read something else by this talented author.