Donkey Dell

A No & Won't Book From Stubborn to Strong

Children - Picture Book
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 08/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Liz Konkel for Readers' Favorite

Donkey Dell by Jaybie D. is a charming children’s story with an important lesson in self-discovery and finding joy. Dell is a lovable donkey who shows off his unique qualities with gleeful snorts. However, he can also be quite stubborn and will refuse to do chores as he prefers to play and enjoy time with his friends in his favorite spot. When he gets lost one day, he is helped by a wise mouse to find his way back home. He now has an interest in adventures and one trip leads him to a circus! He is immediately captivated by the magical atmosphere and soon finds himself joining. But mastering the tightrope is the least of his worries. When disaster threatens to put an end to the circus, it is up to Dell to figure out how to save the day. After all, the show must go on!

Jaybie D. incorporates a lesson that children can learn from Dell's experiences that shows them it is okay to ask for help and by doing so Dell was able to return home. The second adventure finds Dell lured by a melodious song which turns out to be a circus that is so much fun he joins it. This part of his story shows him finding something he enjoys doing and going for it even if it's something as insane as tightrope walking. The message here is that trying new things can lead to a joyous path and that embracing strengths should be done in healthy ways. The most important lesson at the root of Dell’s journey is how to find balance and spirit through self-discovery. The illustrations change color to reflect the part of the journey he is facing, such as darker colors when he gets lost. Font is a key part of the visual storytelling with certain words distorted or twisted in playful ways such as cartwheels to depict his joyous personality and a melodious song that shows the fun of the circus. Donkey Dell is a playful and imaginative children’s story that follows a donkey’s journey of discovery filled with fun, adventure, and important life lessons.