Death Benefit

The Desert Pines Mystery Series Book 3

Fiction - Mystery - Murder
354 Pages
Reviewed on 07/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Sherri Fulmer Moorer for Readers' Favorite

All the world’s a stage, and Dr. Jane McLaren finds herself in the spotlight when a Shakespearean Society decides to set up in Desert Pines. Jane is happy to finally have her life in order: her relationship with Detective Joe Conner is good, her medical practice is thriving, and her café is running smoothly, at least until one of her baristas disappears in the middle of a shift. Soon after, the society further shakes things up with pranks, drama, and not one but two murder attempts during their opening benefit. Jane finds herself up to her eyeballs again with murder, mayhem, and more Elizabethan quotes than she can keep up with in Death Benefit: The Desert Pines Mystery Series, Book 3 by Julie Titterington.

Jane has become one of my “fictional friends,” and the Desert Pines series is now on my “must-read” list. I love a cozy mystery where familiar characters who feel like my own neighbors embark on mysteries that clash with the simplicity of a small town. Jane uses her intellect and wit to work with her boyfriend and family to figure out why cast members keep falling prey to their allergies. Is it bad luck, a serial killer, or something else that you don’t see, despite it being there all along? That’s the mark of a good mystery, and Julie Titterington has delivered another good one to readers in Death Benefit. Mystery lovers, mark Desert Pines on your maps. This is a place you’ll want to visit again and again!

Demetria Head

Julie Titterington's Death Benefit, the third installment in The Desert Pines Mystery Series, plunges readers into the heart of a small resort town brimming with intrigue and suspense. The novel opens with Doctor Jane McLaren facing an unusually stubborn stain in her clinic, while her romantic partner, Detective Lieutenant Joseph Connor, buzzes with excitement over the arrival of the Northwest Elizabethan Society (NES). Their tranquil town is soon disrupted as readers meet the washed-up actor Cecil Wentworth and his pragmatic business partner, Daria Khan. As they work to ensure the NES's expansion into Desert Pines, their prankster director, Henry Fenimore, complicates matters with his excessive and humiliating antics. The tension escalates when a barista from Hot Lava Java goes missing, and Henry’s pranks take a sinister turn, propelling Dr. Jane and Detective Joe into a high-stakes investigation where each Shakespearean riddle could unravel a deadly mystery.

Fans of the murder mystery genre will find Death Benefit irresistibly engaging, thanks to its well-crafted plot and multifaceted characters. Julie Titterington masterfully weaves together the quaint charm of Desert Pines with the dark undercurrents of deception and danger. Readers will be captivated by the dynamic between Dr. Jane McLaren and Detective Joe Connor, whose personal and professional lives intertwine amidst the chaos. The character development is rich and layered, particularly with the enigmatic Cecil Wentworth and the pragmatic Daria Khan, whose ambitions and secrets add depth to the narrative. The clever incorporation of Shakespearean themes and puzzles provides an intellectual thrill, making each revelation both surprising and satisfying. Death Benefit is a must-read for readers who appreciate intricate mysteries, compelling characters, and the blend of drama and wit that Julie Titterington delivers with finesse.

Delene Vrey

Death Benefit by Julie Titterington is the third book in the Desert Pines Mystery series. When the North West Elizabethan Society comes to Desert Pines in an attempt to breathe new life into the theater company, many expect drama and murder, but not off stage. Detective Connor is excited to meet his idol, Cecil Wentworth, a renowned Shakespearean actor, but he never thought that he would be investigating an attempted murder. When Cecil is stung by a dead bee left in his Yorick skull prop and his Epipen disappears, Dr. Jane McLaren is at hand with her medical bag. Now Joe has to deal with the chaos and drama the rest of the theater company throws at him. The first thing he has to deal with is the murder of the director and founder, Sir Henry Fenimore. As Joe and Jane investigate, they discover notes that quote Shakespeare, each fitting the circumstances of the person they were found on. Is there a Shakespeare-loving serial killer in Desert Pines, or is the plot twisted and unexpected, as in a Shakespeare play?

Julie Titterington has written a fast-paced and suspenseful mystery laced with humor. The plot is intricate and almost farfetched but credible in our global world. Joe and Jane’s relationship is the main plot line that links the series. This book tests their relationship when Jane’s brother bumps heads with Joe. However, the theme of family and loyalty is expertly threaded through all the characters. The central theme of Death Benefit is most certainly love. There are many kinds of love and many kinds of lovers. Each character has unique relationships and different types of love; familial love, amicable love, and love that has gone over the line and into hatred. This theme is thoroughly explored, creatively adding quotes from Shakespeare’s plays to underscore the theatrical and literary background of the characters. Death Benefit is a clean and well-written mystery that will keep the reader guessing.