Dead Daddy Issues

Fiction - Drama
319 Pages
Reviewed on 10/14/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Dead Daddy Issues by Corrin DaCosta is a dramatic exploration of family, fate, and personal reckoning. The story follows Leia Sparks, a tarot reader, who returns to her conservative hometown to rebuild relationships with her children after losing custody. Burdened with guilt over her father's death, which she believes was influenced by her actions, Leia navigates a web of family dysfunction, judgmental locals, and a punishing ex-husband. When her estranged father reappears, seeking amends, Leia is forced to confront deep-rooted issues of forgiveness and sacrifice, questioning whether she can break the cycle of generational trauma.

Author Corrin DaCosta masterfully portrays complex family dynamics, showing Leia's struggle with guilt and forgiveness in a way that feels raw and authentic with every moment readers get to know her better. The writing is evocative and poetic, giving a literary style and a powerful emotional weight to the complex and heartfelt themes, yet it also offers a clarity that maintains accessibility and engagement for audiences not familiar with custody, trauma psychology, and legal situations. I found Leia to be a multifaceted protagonist whose flaws and decisions reflect real human struggles, making her journey toward healing both relatable and compelling. DaCosta weaves in powerful themes of destiny and personal choice, challenging readers to think about how much control they truly have over their lives and relationships. The emotional depth and exploration of fate versus free will create a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant novel. Overall, I strongly recommend Dead Daddy Issues for readers who appreciate character-driven stories that delve deep into family dynamics and personal growth.