
Fiction - Religious Theme
263 Pages
Reviewed on 10/17/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

Covenant by Nelsyn N. Carlson is a Christian novel that follows Lucifer's fall from grace after being tasked with ruling Earth. Initially sent to oversee the creation of Jerusalem, Lucifer becomes disillusioned with his role, experiencing disturbing visions and physical changes. His growing dissatisfaction leads him to rebel against Heaven, seeking to surpass the authority of the Most High. Lucifer gathers followers, including Samael, and engages in a fierce battle against Michael and the heavenly legions. The story continues with Adom and Eve in the Garden of Eden and, later, Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah. Enoch becomes involved with the Watchers—angels who descend to Earth and corrupt humanity by fathering the Nephilim, a race of giants. Enoch is called upon to address the growing chaos and corruption caused by the Watchers and their offspring, setting the stage for a confrontation between divine order and the madness unleashed on Earth.

Nelsyn N. Carlson's Covenant is an ambitious novel that does well in mixing biblical mythology with a solid, character-driven drama. Carlson's prose is straightforward without oversimplifying, drawing readers into a world of intense conflict and larger-than-life stakes. The author does a great job of capturing the stress between hope and despair that permeates the characters' lives, particularly excelling in harnessing the themes of duty, loss, morality, and faith. For me, I found Carlson’s strength lay in her ability to show readers authentic-feeling relationships. The standout to me is the grief-stricken bond between Methuselah and his family, and the evolution of Nan and the men in her life. Overall, Covenant offers an intentionally thoughtful, atmospheric read that will appeal not only to lovers of spiritual and historical fiction but also to those who simply enjoy character-driven speculative work. Recommended.