Corsets and Cuffs

Baker City Brides Book 3

Romance - Historical
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 06/12/2016
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Trudi LoPreto for Readers' Favorite

Each one of the books in the Baker City Brides series keeps getting better and better. I just finished reading Book 3, Corsets and Cuffs, and it is everything I expected and more. The book takes us back to Baker City and all of the friends we previously met, but focuses on Sheriff Tully and Brianna. Brianna has recently arrived in town after a long train ride from her home in Rhode Island, hoping to find the gold mine in which her father was a partner. However, things do not go well for Brianna from the moment she steps off the train and has her bag stolen, and she is forced to deal with Sheriff Tully, a man she finds to be rude, pigheaded and very handsome. Sheriff Tully has a hard time not seeing Brianna has a problem, since she is a rich, pampered young woman and the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. He enjoys getting under her skin every chance he gets. The two slowly learn to admire each other while fighting against the feelings that are trickling through them. Maggie, Ian, Thane and Jemma are there to offer support, advice and love to both Tully and Brianna.

Shanna Hatfield is without a doubt my favorite author; she writes with knowledge of accurate historical facts, creating characters that will instantly become your friends, love and marriage, and a plot that makes it impossible to put the book down. Corsets and Cuffs can stand alone as a perfect story, but you will be missing great reading if you don’t read Crumpets and Cowpies, Book 1, and then Thimbles and Thistles, Book 2 first. I cannot wait for the next book in the series to meet my friends once more. I urge readers to grab Corsets and Cuffs if you like historical, romantic, well written books. I know you will agree with me that this is a top notch winner.