Conscious Intelligence Competencies

Taking Emotional Intelligence to the Next Level for Our 21st Century World of Relationships ~ with Yourself and Others, in Business, with the Planet, and Beyond

Non-Fiction - Social Issues
477 Pages
Reviewed on 06/20/2021
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Conscious Intelligence Competencies: Taking Emotional Intelligence to the Next Level for Our 21st Century World of Relationships with Yourself and Others, in Business, with the Planet, and Beyond is a work of non-fiction in the business, advice, and social issues sub-genres, and was penned by author Kashonia Carnegie, Ph.D. The work is intended for the professional and aspiring professional reading audience. It contains plenty of solid and well-developed advice on the ethics and philosophy of moving towards a wider view that benefits more than just oneself in the world of business, otherwise termed by the author as moving from ‘Me’ to ‘We’. What results is a refreshing humanitarian view of future conduct in the working world.

Author Kashonia Carnegie, Ph.D. has crafted a valuable work with a morally important message to offer its readers, and a thorough approach to its own philosophy from every angle to ensure that a full overview of the ethos and repercussions of such a movement is given. One of the features which I found particularly impressive about this piece was its definitive nature which, rather than giving a load of buzz words and foggy terms, really takes the time to explain each concept and term using real-world examples that everyone on every level could understand. The author’s authority on the subject is clear in the smooth, confident narrative, which also sparks an inspiring note of compassion that marries well with the over-arching ethos of the piece. Overall, I would highly recommend Conscious Intelligence Competencies to readers who want to learn more about their own ethical responsibilities to the current and future planet.

Asher Syed

Conscious Intelligence Competencies by Kashonia Carnegie, Ph.D. is a non-fiction self-help book to assist readers in transitioning from their current unmindful state into a psychological stage where they can live and perform at an optimal state primarily on autopilot. This is a thorough and detailed book over the course of two parts, the first being an introduction the conscious intelligence, its growth as what most would describe as a movement, and Carnegie's own process of conscious change, particularly as it applies toward work-life skills. Other examples are also provided with varied individual stories and examples, as are contextual and data-driven foundations on effectiveness. The second part of the book sets down the framework, which includes the steps necessary to attain conscious intelligence which, put simply, includes self-discovery and growth and ways of thinking in multiple applications.

Kashonia Carnegie takes a complex idea and is able to present it in incredibly simple terms so even those who have zero knowledge, or have not even heard of conscious intelligence, can comfortably understand and apply the steps in Conscious intelligence Competencies. It's difficult to argue with sound scientific findings and real-world results, lending credibility to the success stories. The activities and exercises connect and involve the reader early on and the abundance of resources allows for additional guidance even after the book has been read in its entirety. The most interesting to me was regarding openness to receiving messages of the universal mind in step eight. I admit that prior to getting to this stage in the book, it is unlikely I'd have taken this seriously. We all have had moments where we think about something and it happens, the example given being when we are thinking about someone and then the phone rings. Guess who it is? I really love metaphysical, science-based books on phenomena and find that Carnegie's collection makes conscious living a possible reality for us all.

Foluso Falaye

The world advances and evolves constantly, and we as humans have come a long way from when we created the terms "IQ" and "emotional intelligence" in regard to measuring our intelligence. Kashonia Carnegie Ph.D. brings our attention to a "whole new level of conscious intelligence competencies" in Book 2 of the Conscious Change Series of Books. Coming from a moral philosophy-trained Ethicist whose topics have been adopted by a School of Business as essential for all their MBA Leadership courses, Conscious Intelligence Competencies contains several extensively researched subjects and ideas: moving from a Me to We attitude, taking emotional intelligence to the next level and the nine-step conscious intelligence framework, ego, awe, systems thinking, self-control, creativity, environmental sustainability, critical thinking, spiritual consciousness, and many more.

Dr. Kashonia Carnegie's book about consciousness is impressively elaborate as the subjects are shared with many historical and well-researched facts, exercises, images, real-life stories and examples, multi-perspective views, a casual and jovial tone, a comprehensive introduction, and a writing style that enhances learning and retention. I understood the main concepts in the book but felt I should read the book several times because it is loaded with a lot of new and useful information, and it would take time for this to sink in. Some of the instructions are useful for learning in general, and the book can be applied to all aspects of life. Conscious Intelligence Competencies is recommended to all readers who want to improve their lives or make a difference in the world. In fact, life would be much better if we all acted more consciously. I would be glad to read more books by this author.