Christianity 2.0

How Amazing New Advances in the Religious Realm Can Ignite a Religious Revival

Christian - Non-Fiction
243 Pages
Reviewed on 06/29/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Christianity 2.0: How Amazing New Advances in the Religious Realm Can Ignite a Religious Revival is a work of non-fiction in the theology, Christian writing, and sociocultural issues genres. Penned by author John Dorsey, this fascinating book explores groundbreaking advancements in the religious and spiritual domain, promising a transformative paradigm shift with the potential to revolutionize the world. Dorsey unveils new tools facilitating rapid attainment of advanced spiritual states, followed by a captivating narrative detailing one man's extraordinary journey to salvation, unlike any other. This book heralds a new era for Christianity, offering a path that could surpass past evangelical movements in scale and impact, ushering in what Dorsey dubs ‘Christianity 2.0.’

Author John Dorsey has a clear and confident plan of action. His eye-opening exploration of the intersection between spirituality and modernity brings his vision to life in an easy-to-access manner. The author’s energy is evident in every word of his visionary narrative, which offers a compelling glimpse into the potential for religious revival in the digital age. The first half of the book introduces readers to groundbreaking tools and techniques for spiritual advancement, and I found this to be a refreshing change from a lot of traditional theological explorations, with well-organized ideas. But for me, the second half is where he begins to captivate with his riveting narrative of personal transformation, which connects you to the author and enriches the perspective of revival all the more. Dorsey's bold vision for Christianity's future inspires hope and anticipation, inviting readers to reconsider the possibilities of religious revival in an ever-evolving world. Overall, Christianity 2.0 is a thought-provoking and enlightening read that fans of theological non-fiction are sure to appreciate.

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

John Dorsey's Christianity 2.0 is divided into two parts. Dorsey shows you how to quickly advance spiritually through developed methods and tools using kinesiology and then reveals his testimony. The author answers common questions with data supported by recorded history and kinesiological tests. Dorsey discusses the O-ring Method, explores the key to happiness, urges readers to release anger, touches on Jesus's secret teachings, relates Thomas's writings, covers how to reach unconditional love, and outlines a theory about when "Christ Consciousness" occurred. He uses the methods he details in the book to attain wisdom and grow emotionally and spiritually. Through his experiences, Dorsey relates ways to release negativity using the tools in his book at a faster rate than individuals normally achieve.

John Dorsey tells you about amazing spiritual breakthroughs via his testimony and how it applies to his life as a spiritual coach. You don't have to agree with all the material, but it is still a valuable book. I like the idea of promoting a loving, caring God in a way that would inspire more followers. Unconditional love helps advance growth and consistency, so the book should not be dismissed based on a few points. It will benefit you, even if you only embrace one major topic. The author has practiced the tools he mentions, furthering his spiritual awareness. No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, Christianity 2.0 will help you understand the true nature of Christianity better and break down self-imposed constraints that may be keeping you from developing a deeper connection with God and others.

Christian Sia

Christianity 2.0 by John Dorsey offers a bold new vision, an engaging book that challenges readers to rethink their understanding of Christianity. Dorsey's proposal to remove certain books from the Bible and focus on the teachings of Jesus Christ is timely and necessary. The author's use of kinesiology and muscle testing to determine truth offers a fresh understanding of spirituality. The discussion of the Map of Consciousness is particularly impressive as it provides a framework for understanding the energy fields associated with various beliefs and practices. The calibration of different texts, including biblical passages, is a remarkable example of how this theory can be applied. The exploration of God's nature as all-loving and all-merciful is supported by scriptural evidence. Dorsey's assertion that God is not jealous, vengeful, or unforgiving but rather all-loving is a powerful message that will resonate with many readers.

John Dorsey’s book offers a brilliant intersection between the core message of Christianity, scientific developments, and self-help, providing tools for readers to embark on a journey that ignites the positive transformation proposed by Jesus. This is not a typical theology book, but one that focuses on what is essential. I enjoyed how the author identified the negative impact that some biblical books can have on the overall message of Christianity and its practice. This is a book about Christian spirituality, and, as a Christian, I could only agree with the message. The books the author suggests should be removed from the Bible are ones that add no value to our quest for a connection with an all-loving and all-merciful God. Christianity 2.0 is revolutionary!

Ruffina Oserio

Christianity 2.0: How Amazing New Advances in the Religious Realm Can Ignite a Religious Revival by John Dorsey is one of those books about Christianity that I have wanted to read for a long time. In this book, the author redefines Christianity and underlines some key elements to help readers reassess what they think, know, or believe about Christianity. The book offers compelling points to enter into the dialogue between Christianity and science and a unique and fresh perspective in this dialogue. This book answers some critical questions: What is the heart of Christianity? What is the nature of God? What value can we draw from biblical teachings in our search for God and our desire for personal growth?

Many things intrigued me as I read Christianity 2.0 by John Dorsey. The author discusses the Map of Consciousness, offering a framework for understanding the energy fields associated with various beliefs and practices. The calibration of different texts, including biblical passages, is a remarkable example of how this theory can be applied. The author lets readers understand how some biblical books can be detrimental to their spiritual growth; these are books that offer controversial perspectives about the core message of Christianity and the nature of God and are exploited by religious cults to brainwash followers. The author’s take on consciousness and the calibration of texts, underlining their levels of positive influence, grabbed my attention. John Dorsey writes in accessible prose, deftly establishing the link between biblical teachings and scientific facts. This book has a lot of wisdom for readers who want to experience spiritual growth.

Romuald Dzemo

In Christianity 2.0, John Dorsey presents a groundbreaking discussion that challenges the reader to re-examine the foundations of Christianity. Dorsey's assertion that Christianity has suffered a catastrophic collapse due to errors made by the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. is thought-provoking and warrants serious consideration. The focus on kinesiology and muscle testing as a means of determining truth is fascinating and raises questions about the nature of reality. The author's discussion of the Map of Consciousness, developed by Dr. David R. Hawkins, is particularly compelling. The concept of a logarithmic progression of energy fields, where every point on the scale represents a significant increase in power, is mind-boggling. The calibration of various religious texts, including the Bible, is a remarkable example of how this theory can be applied.

Due to their negative energy fields, the proposal to remove certain books from the Holy Bible, such as Revelation, Exodus, and Leviticus, is provocative and challenges readers to re-evaluate their understanding of Christianity. Dorsey's assertion that these books have led to the creation of doomsday cults and have made it easier for Christianity's enemies to portray the religion in a negative light also makes a defense of the central messages in this book. I loved John Dorsey’s exploration of the nature of God, focusing on the famous quote from 1 John 4:16: “God is love.” The author identifies God as all-loving and all-merciful. While some early evidence may be hard to verify, such as the energetic measurements of religious figures from thousands of years ago, Christianity 2.0 remains a thought-provoking and fascinating examination of religion in the modern age. This book offers tools for readers to transition from religious fervor to an active relationship with a loving and merciful God.