Charlie B and Me

Children - General
48 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

Charlie B and Me by Fran Groover is a children’s picture book that follows Emma, a fourth grader adjusting to life in Alabama after moving from Chicago. Recently, she lost her mother and has been struggling to make friends and have fun. During summer vacation, her teacher asks her to look after Charlie B, the class pet hamster. Upon their arrival at home, the hamster magically begins to speak to her. Though startled, Emma decides to help Charlie B play outside, and she begins to open up to him. In return, Charlie B encourages her to go out more and be open to meeting new people. Emma gradually finds new friends and learns the importance of embracing new experiences and adventures.

Charlie B and Me is a heartwarming story that explores themes of loss, friendship, adaptation, and self-discovery. The narrative is whimsical and engaging, featuring intriguing characters and an interesting plot. Emma is a relatable character, and readers of all ages who have faced challenges adjusting to new environments will resonate with her struggles. Charlie B is a charming character with the best intentions, and his influence on Emma’s journey reinforces the idea that unexpected friendships can lead to profound personal growth and healing. The plot twist at the end beautifully highlights Charlie B’s helpful spirit and the magic of friendship in overcoming life's challenges. The illustrations perfectly complement the story, bringing it to life. Overall, Charlie B and Me is an enjoyable read that offers valuable lessons about resilience, friendship, and facing life’s transitions with courage.