Cave of Legends

Dragon League #1

Children - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
139 Pages
Reviewed on 07/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

Cave of Legends is the first book in the Dragon League Series by Scott Charles. Fennec Swordtail is overwhelmed by the sights and battles as he enters Qigong City to start his training at Dragon School. He hails from Redvale, and city dragons see him as unimportant as they physically best him at sparring. The battle-scarred Master Svala tells the young dragons they must gain a totem by bonding with a spirit in the Cave of Legends, a test they may not pass without extensive training. Despite the negative comments made by some of his classmates, Fennec arrives at the Cave of Legends. After he seems unable to bond with the five traditional spirits--sun, moon, leaf, storm, and stone--he must decide whether to give up or choose an unmarked path.

Scott Charles has crafted a world that young readers will fall into and never want to leave. Fennec has a unique personality and a stubbornness that will never let him admit failure. With each defeat, the young dragon faces physical and mental battles with a clear mind and desire to improve himself. Certain egotistical dragons sow seeds of doubt, but the overall camaraderie between the dragons is stirring. Detailed illustrations by Florian Garbay complement the story, bringing the characters to life with visual depth. Young readers will love Fennec and cheer as he makes the decisions that lead him to his destiny. Readers who enjoy dragons and coming-of-age stories will love Cave of Legends and look forward to more books in the series.

Luwi Nyakansaila

Cave of Legends by Scott Charles follows Fennec Swordtail, a young dragon from tiny Redvale village who dreams of becoming a battle dragon strong enough to protect his loved ones. When he receives an invitation to Qigong City to compete for a spot in its famous Battle School, he is shocked. He starts training but faces negative and critical remarks from fellow students and the school’s faculty members. Despite being clanless and lacking special training, Fennec is determined to prove himself and leave his mark on the Dragon League. With hard work and perseverance, he faces each challenge that comes his way. When the entrance to the Cave of Legends erupts ahead of schedule, he wonders if he is ready to face his fears, complete his challenges, and gain a totem.

Cave of Legends is a captivating story that embodies the spirit of perseverance and determination, making it an excellent choice for young readers. Fennec Swordtail's relatable struggles, fears, and aspirations allow readers to easily connect with him, and his journey teaches valuable lessons that resonate with readers of all ages. The themes of self-discovery and perseverance make it an inspiring read that motivates young readers to overcome their challenges and pursue their passions. This is the first book in the Dragon League series by Scott Charles, and it effectively lays the groundwork for the rest of the series, introducing readers to the world and characters that will continue to evolve. The illustrations perfectly complement the story and bring the characters to life. I enjoyed this book and hope to read more from this series and its author to unravel the mysteries and uncover the secrets in future installments.

Astrid Iustulin

Fennec does not seem suited to being a battle dragon. He lacks proper training and comes from the village of Redvale, which is not famous for battle dragons. Fennec, though, dreams of becoming one to protect his village in case of danger. When he receives a letter from Battle School, he decides to go despite his family's skepticism. Once there, Fennec will have to work hard, but his fellow dragons are not supportive, and he gets the impression that his efforts are in vain. He has only two weeks to prepare for the Cave of Legends; if he fails, he must return home. Will Fennec be able to prove his worth? You will find out in Scott Charles's Cave of Legends: Dragon League #1.

Cave of Legends tells an exciting adventure that will allow young readers to enjoy this story and also teach them valuable lessons. Fennec is a character that many youngsters can relate to, particularly those who have felt inadequate. The young dragon's perseverance will inspire kids and teach them never to give up, even when the odds are not in their favor. I must say that this message made me deeply appreciate this book. Scott Charles did a great job of describing the young dragon, and Florian Garbay's illustrations are beautiful. I heartily recommend this story to young readers who love fantastical creatures. They will be enthralled with it and eager to read more about Fennec in the next chapter of this amazing series.