Animal Cell City

Children - Educational
34 Pages
Reviewed on 07/04/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carmen Tenorio for Readers' Favorite

Animal Cell City by Puja Sharma is a children’s picture book that introduces the reader to a day in the life of a typical animal cell where we see the roles of the specialized cell parts and how they work and cooperate. The cell is referred to as a city whose nucleus is its mayor. And just like any good public CEO, Mayor Nicky steps out of her office to check on the other members of her city and how they are doing. She takes a look at the important members of her cell community like the mouse who generates the energy needed for the cell and its parts to function, the rabbit who produces blocks of protein for building and repair, or the group of uniformed security guards who keep whatever is essential and good in the cell and filter out or block unwanted substances. Although she missed visiting Cytoplasm Square, which she plans to do tomorrow, she is satisfied and happy to see her community working perfectly and that everyone continues to mutually benefit from each other's contributions, necessary for the overall health and efficiency of an animal cell city.

Studying a topic like cell biology can be a bit complicated for kids but Animal Cell City by Puja Sharma has simplified it to a more relatable level that encourages understanding, comprehension, and retention. The colorful illustrations by Surbhi Sharma are appealingly done for children and include adorable animals and characters that young readers are familiar with. The language used is simple and easy for young minds to grasp. The concepts are set within a narrative that helps in comprehending the scenario. It uses the smart analogy of a city being run by a mayor to make the subject matter more understandable, relatable, and less confusing. This charming tale deftly combines the concepts of teamwork and science to captivate young readers and spark their curiosity about the amazing universe of the cell as the smallest unit of life in living things. Highly recommended not only for primary school children and older kids but also for anyone who needs a basic familiarity and understanding of what an animal cell is and how it functions.