And the Dead Shall Live

Fiction - Thriller - General
347 Pages
Reviewed on 11/28/2023
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Author Biography

My debut novel, THE MONEY, was the Best Thrillers Book of the Year, 2021. Two short stories from THE MONEY appeared in the Hudson Review, and were nominated by its editors for the Pushcart Prize. "Finch" was a Best American Mystery Stories Distinguished Story, 2020. An essay on the music of Ennio Morricone appeared in Film Comment. Other short stores and essays have appeared in Columbia, a Journal of Poetry and Prose; New York Stories; Art Mag; the Lowestoft Chronicle, and numerous others. I have been anthologized in INTREPID TRAVELS and A PLACE TO PAUSE. My children's book, SHERLOCK MENDELSON AND THE MISSING AFIKOMEN is an Amazon best-seller.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

And the Dead Shall Live by David Shawn Klein is a killer thriller. Jesse Carter is struggling to get on with her life after her twin brother dies. Philip Raymond used to have a happy family and a great job. Now, he’s a recluse living a tortured life. Kit Wheaton needs someone to find out who killed her daughter. Kit and Philip meet accidentally, but when she recognizes him as a famous mystery author, she begs him to help her. On investigation, he discovers that Lee Fletcher, a billionaire recluse, may be involved. Fletcher holds parties where his friends discover the “thrills” of taking a drug that brings them as close to a near-death experience as possible. It’s possible he also killed women who worked for him and may even be involved in presidential election fraud. Philip has no way of getting close to Fletcher until he hires Jesse Carter. Can they work together to bring down Fletcher? The only way Philip can do it is if he can bring himself to step outside his apartment and leave his reclusive life behind. Can he do it to save Jesse? Will they discover what happened to Kit Wheaton’s daughter?

And the Dead Shall Live by David Shawn Klein is a thriller filled with suspense. The plot is thick and twisty, with several threads that eventually pull together in a tightly woven story. The characters are second to none. Mr. Klein has clearly done a great deal of research into how it feels to be a recluse, and all his characters grow into people you can truly relate to. Their lives are a tangled web, but as the story progresses, that web begins to unravel, and the characters become less complicated as we learn what really makes them who they are. This story will grab you right from the start and pull you into a dark plot of drugs, sex, and murder. The writing is descriptive enough to make you feel you are there and compelling enough to keep you reading all the way through. It’s a story of damaged people who find their way back to the light as they begin to heal from their own traumas, and I really enjoyed it. This is one author to watch, and I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants a thriller they can truly immerse themselves in.