Ambition, Arrogance and Pride

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
386 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ronél Steyn for Readers' Favorite

In 1735, Mary Hodges married Richard Derby. From their union came sons and daughters. Mary Derby married George Crowinshield, and his sister Eliza, in turn, married Mary’s brother, Hasket Derby. As Hasket was groomed from an early age to take over his father’s business, he never went to sea like his brothers. Instead, he was a shrewd businessman with an exceptional eye for trade. George Crowninshield had worked for Captain Richard Derby since before courting Mary Derby and knew the sea well. Having married Mary, he was privy to many business transactions and eventually started his own company. Sandra Wagner-Wright has brought us a story inspired by true events filled with love, loss, family, ambition, and pride in 18th-century Salem in Ambition, Arrogance and Pride.

If you love Jane Austen, you will love Sandra Wagner-Wright. And if you enjoy Wilbur Smith, you will also love Wagner-Wright's Ambition, Arrogance and Pride. Significant research was done to bring this part of history to life. From men’s and women’s fashion to the war with British troops and a love of tea, great detail is given about the possible lives of these prominent people. The characters are relatable, from the captains and their wives, children, and cousins to the footmen and servants. Even though many of the characters are only mentioned once, they play their part to emphasize the wealth these families had amassed over the years and their influence on social standing. Inspired by true events, this book is a must-read and suitable for all ages. Wagner-Wright has a unique gift to keep her audience captivated and makes it fun to learn.