Akash and Mila and the Big Jump

Children - Picture Book
38 Pages
Reviewed on 03/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Have you ever hesitated to do something you love due to fear of failure and being judged by others? Akash and Mila and the Big Jump is a children's story about two kids who feel just like you. Written by Anthony C. Delauney, the picture book follows two best friends named Akash and Mila, whose parents have taken them to the gymnasium. Akash and Mila love to jump, run, and play. When they see athletes of all ages, shapes, and sizes, Akash volunteers to try the vault first. He runs and jumps, only to fall on his face. Seeing Akash's attempt, Mila refuses to jump. But their friend Dash comes along and reassures them that everyone needs practice to become a better gymnast. Encouraged by his words, Akash and Mila decide to try again.

An inspirational tale about overcoming the fear of judgment, Akash and Mila and the Big Jump is an absolute joy to read. Like the previous installments, Anthony C. Delauney's fifth book in Owning the Dash Kids' Book series contains an uplifting message in an absorbing tale that young readers will love. Featuring mesmerizing artwork by Chiara Civati, this children's picture book is ready to entertain you with rhymes and lively characters you will want to befriend. Apart from Akash and Mila's friendship, I also enjoyed the few nuggets of wisdom shared by Dash. This is the third book of this series I've read so far, and I've enjoyed every single one of them. So grab a copy and learn to overcome your fears!