
Arana's Premonition

Young Adult - Fantasy - Epic
236 Pages
Reviewed on 09/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Aberration: Arana’s Premonition by Ayodeji Ayinde is a young adult epic fantasy about Tensey, a famed hunter, and Evelyn, who venture into the forbidden Killahog Forest to find a cure for a deadly virus. There, they discover Allan, an outsider who holds the key to solving the mystery of the disease. Their journey triggers a chain of events involving Aciera, a powerful soldier and Tensey’s best friend, and the mythical tribe of Dain. As secrets from the past unravel, the characters face betrayal, love, and epic battles, leading to a climactic confrontation that could change the fate of kingdoms.

Ayodeji Ayinde invites readers into a vivid, immersive world filled with rich mythology, mysterious forests, and ancient tribes. I was impressed by how detailed and well-crafted every aspect of this fantasy realm was. It’s clear the author knows the culture, atmosphere, and dynamics of their worldbuilding, and that helps to craft realistic attitudes in the central characters that are shaped by the forces of power and society around them. The dramatic tension in the different dynamics between Tensey, Evelyn, Aciera, and Allan brings rich interpersonal drama into the tale with each character's emotional struggles and relationships propelling the plot forward and becoming more complex. Ayinde also excels at delivering thrilling action sequences, keeping readers engaged and on the edge of their seats with visceral sequences. These never feel too graphic, but give a cinematic and immersive view of battles and the epic race against time as the threat of death and destruction looms closer. Overall, Aberration: Arana’s Premonition is a must-read for fans of totally immersive YA fantasy with realistic, engaging characters to fall in love with.