A World of New Beginnings

A Rhyming Journey about change, resilience and starting over

Children - Picture Book
32 Pages
Reviewed on 05/17/2024
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Author Biography

Melissa Garin is a storyteller, the mother of two young kids, and a seasoned nomad.

Drawing on her profound love for writing and her cherished role as an expat parent, coupled with her own rich history as a nomad child, Melissa Garin embarked on a creative journey to craft a book that would fill a gap. The result is an insightful book that combines her passion for storytelling with her first-hand understanding of the unique challenges and wonders that come with relocating to a new and unfamiliar place.

Her book, "A World of New Beginnings," embodies her desire to offer solace, knowledge, and a sense of adventure to young minds experiencing the world through the prism of moving abroad.

Melissa Garin holds a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Communication from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and a Master’s degree in Information and Communication from the Sorbonne University.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Golder Hazelton for Readers' Favorite

A World of New Beginnings, written by Melissa Garin, is a small book with a big message for young people: change is scary and not always easy, but adventure waits on the journey and life is infinitely more interesting and fun when adventure is included. Emma and Eliott are happy mouse children in their little meadow town, living with their loving parents and their furry friend Laika. All is bliss in their world until the fateful day when Emma and Elliot’s parents announce that the family will be moving overseas. The challenges that the family faces as they prepare for their life-changing adventure are universal, with applications far beyond the situation at hand. New people, new foods, new playground companions and games, a new language, and a new culture await them. But with love and persistence, every obstacle is overcome and the family learns to appreciate change and the excitement it can bring.

Melissa Garin has crafted a timeless and immensely appealing contemporary fable, the cover of which is adorned with richly deserved seals from the Pencraft Awards and Children’s Book International (with many more sure to follow). Ale Tadeo’s artful and animated illustrations strike just the right note to support the upbeat tone of the text. The narrative is written in a friendly, accessible rhyming style, easy for children to follow, and ideal for adults and children to read aloud together. A World of New Beginnings offers a rosy point of view without sacrificing the real-world struggles children face in dealing with change; as such, it is a rare and essential resource that should be required reading for any child trying to embrace new surroundings and situations.