A Postcard From Jerusalem

Fiction - Short Story/Novela
178 Pages
Reviewed on 08/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Nino Lobiladze for Readers' Favorite

A Postcard from Jerusalem by Cory J. Schulman gives food for thought to fans of inspirational, realistic, travel fiction and coming-of-age stories. Isaac goes on a six-month trip to Israel with other young Jewish American participants in the program. They swim in the Dead Sea, visit historic sites, try to master Hebrew, wake up early to start a work day in a kibbutz, and dance in a bomb shelter late at night. A beautiful Ahava touches Isaac's inexperienced heart. Ahava argues with Isaac about a prayer at the Western Wall, and they explore Jerusalem together. Isaac befriends Ezra but has to compete with him for Ahava's attention. Should Isaac stay in Israel and defend this land against its many enemies? Or should he return to a predictable and safer life in the United States?

Read Cory J. Schulman's A Postcard from Jerusalem to understand Israel and Israelis better. We look at Israel through the eyes of young Jewish Americans, many of whom are at the crossroads of their lives. Their points of view are fresh, straightforward, and sometimes unexpected. This short and smooth read has several memorable characters, like a kibbutznik named Shlomo, who has seen and endured a lot of hardship in his life. Schulman shares interesting and heartbreaking facts about the history of Israel and the Jewish people like the siege of Masada by Roman forces centuries ago and the atrocities of the Holocaust still remembered by the survivors. We follow Isaac and Ahava to the magical Old City of Jerusalem, where Isaac buys a souvenir from an old jeweler. The author shows us Israel from different perspectives, leaving us in no doubt that the freedom of the Israeli people is hard-won and must be respected.