The Rise and Fall of the Fourth Reich

Fiction - Thriller - Political
375 Pages
Reviewed on 10/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Gaius Konstantine for Readers' Favorite

At the end of WW II, Operation Paperclip saw many German scientists, engineers, and technicians escape the consequences of their involvement in the Nazi party when they were recruited and relocated to the United States. The Rise And Fall Of The Fourth Reich, a political thriller by Neal Owens, takes this concept one step further as members of the Nazi political ruling class are also enlisted by the U.S. Beginning in 1946, a CIA spy walks into an office in Madrid and convinces Herr Dorfmeister, formerly of the SS, to change allegiance and become Mr. Henry Smith. As the years pass, a growing and influential gathering of ultra-nationalists headed by Mr. Smith manages to usurp power and take control of the United States through skullduggery. With the United States a mirror image of Nazi Germany by 1981, the stage is set for a confrontation between the righteous against the unrighteous and a war fought on the streets of America.

The Rise And Fall Of The Fourth Reich by Neal Owens is not only a political thriller; it's a highly fictionalized alternative history. The plot focuses on an infamous group of ideologues and totalitarians wresting control of the United States and a diverse group of individuals who fight back to restore democracy to the land. Behind the plot is a basic yet powerful theme of good versus evil, and the reaction of the strong-willed contrasted with the response of the weak who do nothing as savagery replaces tolerance. Character development follows a familiar blueprint as both the villains and the heroes reflect modern standards. However, a few individuals are very well fleshed-out and garner sympathy, particularly William and Summer. A vibrant and explosive pace binds the entire package together, making The Rise And Fall Of The Fourth Reich an interesting read.