A Look into the Past


Young Adult - Fantasy - Urban
245 Pages
Reviewed on 07/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

A Look Into The Past: C.I.G.I. is a post-apocalyptic sci-fi novel by Amira Vasileva. It's 2077. While the Faceless Man and his forces rule most of the surviving world populace, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States have pockets of territory under their control, with C.I.G.I. Institutes located in each of the major centers. Ava Firestone was born and raised in the New York City C.I.G.I. Institute, barely surviving one day at a time. However, she is almost twenty and has yet to show any powers to become a Guard. When the headmaster orders her elimination, his assistant and an instructor help Ava escape from the institute. On a mission to search for her mother, Ava meets Morgana Bennett and soon discovers secrets about her past and that of C.I.G.I. and the Faceless Man.

If post-apocalyptic dystopian science fiction is your choice, do not miss out on this book. Jam-packed with action, mystery, romance, and intrigue, A Look Into The Past: C.I.G.I. has your attention on every single page until the last. Amira Vasileva's worldbuilding is simply top-notch. The setting really feels post-apocalyptic, with a dark and foreboding atmosphere permeating the pages. Add to that the gritty and realistic tone of the narrative and you are completely immersed in this tale. The reveals are shocking, and you never see the twists and turns coming your way. Ava, as a protagonist, is easy to root for. She is an underdog who miraculously survives some horrendous situations. I found Ava's relationship with Morgana very compelling, especially considering their different personalities and backstories. The book ends on a cliffhanger, which I hope will be resolved in the sequel. All in all, a brilliant start to what promises to be a gripping YA sci-fi series.