Stepping Up
Stepping Up is a work of fiction in the family drama genre and is the third installment in the Sisters in a Small Town series. It is suitable for all ages and was penned by Holly Kerr. The book continues the saga of the Skatt...
Stepping Up is a work of fiction in the family drama genre and is the third installment in the Sisters in a Small Town series. It is suitable for all ages and was penned by Holly Kerr. The book continues the saga of the Skatt...
Set in England in 2019, A Faulty Eviction by Daniel Adam Garwood is a humorously told story filled with drama and action. Kevin Douglas is a mean-spirited, ego-fueled, and domineering man who owns Pendrick Court. He decides to send out eviction notices to his tenants....
Beneath the Veil of Smoke and Ash is a work of fiction in the historical epic sub-genre. It is suitable for all ages and was penned by author Tammy Pasterick. The story follows a married pair of immigrants living in Pittsburgh in the early 20th...
Reading Holiday Shorts: Flash Fiction is like dipping into a Christmas stocking. Each story is a tasty morsel, easy to digest, and makes you eager to reach for the next. Barbara Venkataraman takes on the usual suspects of the holiday season and gives each the...
One? by Jennifer L Cahill is a rom-com of sorts in the vein, perhaps, of “Friends,” following the fortunes and loves of two very different young women, flatting together in London and each searching for the one – the love of their lives and the...
Butterflies & Characters by Liz Hsu is a moving young adult romance novel that will break your heart as well as inspire it. The main character, Rayanne Ericson, is fifteen years old and is confused about what's been going on with her health lately. Her...
Utopia Café by David Hejna is a satirical novel that is as thought-provoking as it is entertaining, a story set in a world where social justice and equality are non-existent. The political setting is vividly captured and it reflects the loss of power by the...
The Comfort Bearer by Cathy L. Patrenos is a historical fiction novel that delves into the often-unexplored subject of comfort women during World War II in Japan and the surrounding territories. Soon Ja is coerced from her home in Korea with promises of work in...
The Friends of Allan Renner is a work of fiction in the interpersonal drama, quirky fiction, and humor sub-genres, and was penned by author Dave J. Andrae. The work is intended for the general adult reading audience and contains some scenes of a sexual nature,...
Gadjo is a work of fiction in the interpersonal and cultural drama sub-genres and was penned by author Lloyd Ingle. The work is intended for the general reading audience and contains some violent content and sexual references that would not be suitable for younger readers....