Mercy: A Novel by Steve Crown is a satirical short story about everyday life and the struggles most of us have to go through in the 21st century. We are introduced to Mercy, a sweet baby boy born into a rich family. However, his life...
Mercy: A Novel by Steve Crown is a satirical short story about everyday life and the struggles most of us have to go through in the 21st century. We are introduced to Mercy, a sweet baby boy born into a rich family. However, his life...
In a Nut’s Hell: Literary Doodles by Jim Wood is a zany, quirky, and utterly unexpected series of humorous stories that will make the reader laugh, roll their eyes in glee at the intentional absurdity of each story, and eagerly turn the pages for more....
The Bubba Chronicles by David R. Austin invites us to travel to the old South. Bubba Roy Conroy, his wife, Mary Lou, and their children, Kelvin Seth and Lawanda Kim, live a quiet life in a small town in Louisiana. Bubba is a dump truck...
The Save Humanity Project is a science fiction novella by Charles T. Harris. The year is 3798 and the earth is in danger of being hit by the asteroid Ceres 5461. Fortunately for humanity, the mysterious Firm has a plan to zap it into two...
Some Thing by Lori R. Lopez is an entertaining horror short story that keeps you hooked till the end. The author has used the major environmental issue of water contamination at the US-Mexican border as the main theme and cleverly sculpted it into an intriguing...
Earth Won by Arthur Seymour is a science fiction story with elements of adventure. Seymour’s travels lead him on many exploits, and he falls in love with Ruby during an expedition. After his lab is invaded by the REED organization, Seymour changes their name to...
Katherine is disappointed when Phillip, her husband, is called into work on his first day off in two years. The lonely housewife had been so looking forward to this time off that she did not notice the chaos unfolding around her. Her reverie was broken...
Pushing deadlines was nothing new for Michael. He regularly turned in his stories at the eleventh hour, knowing that the rush to meet his agent’s deadline would help him produce his best work. When Sarah calls to remind him of yet another impending deadline, he...
Music From a Strange Planet: Stories by Barbara Black is a work of fiction and a short story anthology in a variety of subgenres. It is best suited to the adult reading audience or mature YA readers. In this varied and enjoyable collection, the author...
Asylum of Diction by Alyssa Milani is a riveting anthology of horror stories that center on themes that include love, loss, purpose, and life. Each one is different and cleverly written, exploring parts of the human psyche that will cause the reader to ponder the...