Why Like Flies?

Children - Animals
52 Pages
Reviewed on 10/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by David Korson for Readers' Favorite

If you think flies are disgusting, you’re not alone! Flies are a nuisance at picnics, they buzz in your face, and their larvae might be the worst thing about them. But Flyboy doesn’t see himself as a pest. Instead of focusing on the bad reputation of flies, Flyboy wants to share with everyone the good things flies do so he talks with a parent, gets advice from other creatures, and eventually seeks out the highest authority on nature. As he travels on a quest to improve the perception of flies, Flyboy learns the most valuable lesson of all; that every species is important to our ecosystem. Why Like Flies? by Carol Haden shares the wonderful message that all living things are beneficial, even the ones that seem scary or bad.

Carol Haden’s colorful children’s book is as educational as it is adventurous. The story keeps kids interested as Flyboy encounters a daunting array of different characters. Each new critter has a catchy poem to describe its unique features and is pictured with a cheerful smile, which is a fun way to soften fears about animals and insects that people tend to fear. The overall theme fosters a sense of awe, respect, and concern for the planet and environment. Terms such as empathize, pollinate, and isolate help young readers expand their vocabularies, enhance their literacy, and confront problems we are all facing. A good reminder for all of us, Why Like Flies? is a warmhearted story with a positive message.