When The Violin Weeps

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
284 Pages
Reviewed on 10/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

When The Violin Weeps by Glenn Starkey is a historical fiction novel that delves into the harrowing events of the Holocaust during World War II and the formation of the State of Israel. The story follows Jacob Liebermann, a former violinist with the Warsaw Philharmonic, as he grapples with the devastating loss of his wife, Hanna, who is murdered in a gas chamber. Forced into the overcrowded Warsaw ghetto and enduring the horrors of the Nazi regime, Jacob vows to survive against all odds, honoring Hanna's memory amidst the unspeakable atrocities that surround him. The language is both poignant and lyrical, weaving vivid imagery into realistic historical descriptions for maximum emotional impact, drawing readers into the world he has recreated from history’s greatest horrors,

Author Glenn Starkey's writing gives the reader a presence right on Jacob’s shoulder as they feel every moment of despair and tragedy on his journey to find new strength. Jacob's grief and determination are challenged constantly by the well-timed events of the plot, and the author’s ability to evoke such intense feelings allows readers to connect deeply with the narrative, making the real historical events all the more impactful. The novel is steeped in meticulous research, providing an authentic portrayal of the Holocaust that honors the memory of those who suffered but also educating readers about this dark chapter in history just as much as offering an engaging story. By highlighting Jacob's promise to his wife as the driving force of the plot, the importance of hope and survival builds into a powerful message that leaves readers with a conclusion packed with strength in times of darkness. Overall, When The Violin Weeps is a heart-wrenching tale that is sure to engage and impress fans of detailed and emotive historical fiction.