What Hump?

A Historical Mystery Adventure Comedy Thriller

Young Adult - Mystery
291 Pages
Reviewed on 09/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Liz Konkel for Readers' Favorite

What Hump? by Morley Swingle is a story about a young girl named Teddy who, along with her twin brother, finds adventure at an 1856 military post. Teddy and Thad haven’t seen their father in about a year and are eager to reunite with him. He is currently in the midst of a project that is attempting to use camels instead of horses to ride, transport, and aid in railroad construction. Teddy cannot wait to be part of the project and play with the camels known for spitting. She hopes her new adventures will bring her closer to her father. With the desert as her playground, Teddy drags her brother along for epic fun. They’ll encounter everything from scorpions to uncovering a threat to sabotage the project she desperately wants to save.

Morley Swingle makes history fun in a story that will make children want to study the past. While the story is geared at younger readers, it is great for all ages and has enough depth so that adults can enjoy the lightheartedness of it too. The camels are a charming bit of chaos blended into the American West, which creates a fun juxtaposition to what is typical for the time. Teddy does not follow what is considered proper behavior for a little girl; instead, she is rebellious, feisty, and very unladylike. This is a great lesson for children - particularly girls - that they can chart their own path and be themselves. The core of the story focuses on family, specifically their desire to reconnect with their father. Teddy also connects with Mrs. Boomer, a maternal figure who provides guidance and support. She’s a softer element in the story and subtly encourages Teddy to be more proper, though also giving her the freedom to be herself. What Hump? is a delightful way of engaging children in history with a mix of clever humor, mystery, and entertaining characters.