What Good Thing Happened to You Today?

Children - Fable
56 Pages
Reviewed on 08/23/2021
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Author Biography

This book is based on actual events and a conversation the author had with her nieces and nephew on a cold blustery winter day.
The children were cranky and fighting with each other. The author's sister, the mother of the children, had some errands to run and so the author took the opportunity to teach the children a lesson on appreciating the good things that happen daily whether we realize it or not. The lesson was a good one and the children passed along what they learned to their mother upon her return and the result was a happy ending for all. The names and situations in this tale are all true. This is also a colouring book! Each book has a space on the front cover where children can print their names, making each book unique to any individual. This book is inspirational and has the power to change the mindset of those who read it.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Rosie Malezer for Readers' Favorite

What Good Thing Happened To You Today? is a children's coloring book written by Valerie J Kulchisky and illustrated by Stephen Armstrong. Three fox kits - Jennie, Matty, and Manda - are at home, fighting up a storm as it is too cold to go outside and play. As they argue, the kits' mother becomes more and more frustrated with her young. When Aunty Miz Foxy comes to visit, it finally gives the kits' mother a welcome reprieve, and she leaves the children at home with their beloved aunt. The fighting continues, causing Aunty Miz Foxy to put her foot down and tell the kits how their constant fighting affects their mother terribly. Jennie, Matty, and Manda are then given a task that not only makes them think but puts all in the house in a happier mood.

I very much enjoyed Valerie J Kulchisky's uplifting tale of a squabbling family who sees the error of their ways. It made me remember the constant squabbling that my siblings and I would do, much to our father's disdain, until we were all finally sent to our room. What Good Thing Happened To You Today? shifts the focus of the angry siblings, forcing them to distance themselves from what they are arguing about and instead think happy thoughts. The joy they had experienced on a previous day is brought to the forefront, bringing smiles to all of the once-angry faces. Even the youngest and most stubborn remembers something that had once made her heart fill with joy, and the happiness is shared again. By the time I finished reading What Good Thing Happened To You Today? I also remembered my more joyous moments with my family. I wholeheartedly recommend it to be read by all young readers aged 4-12 in moments when they need to be reminded that anger solves very little, whereas a smile solves almost any hurt.