Western Lights

Young Adult - Sci-Fi
434 Pages
Reviewed on 07/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Sarah Pierzchala for Readers' Favorite

Western Lights by C.P. Schaefer opens with young Ethan Sites, of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, in the Alaskan wilderness investigating mysterious and disturbing anomalies in Earth's magnetic fields. Elsewhere, bush pilot and seasonal fisherman Mason Hahn does a good deed in helping Sara Gathers, a marine biologist also employed by NOAA, rescue a pod of beached whales. Since Sara's mother also happens to be the director of that same government agency, the team of young scientists has a direct connection to Washington, D.C. and the military. These resources are vital as they look further into the strange behavior of local wildlife, the magnetic anomalies, increased methane leakage, and the connections between these phenomena to solar activity. As the power grid fails throughout much of the United States, authorities scramble to reassure the public, even while the information the scientists in the field gather becomes more apocalyptic. When Sara, Mason, and Ethan get close to one of the magnetic anomalies, they find themselves trapped and separated from the world at large. Can they get a message to the future in time to make a difference?

Western Lights is a highly entertaining blend of hard science fiction, fantasy, and page-turning, fast-paced adventure. As Sara and her friends face ever more daunting obstacles, they use their wits and technical skills to adapt. C.P. Schaefer creates drama and tension with virtually no violent conflict or "good vs. evil" tropes. There are no real villains here other than the forces of nature. Sara stands out as a young woman learning hard truths about her world and her responsibilities while challenging herself to always do what's right in the face of incredible hazards. The romance with Mason is kept believable yet discreet. By the story's end, Sara's relationship with her mother, due to major twists in the plot, has become both complex and touching. Generally, the hard science aspects are integrated very smoothly into the action-packed plot, creating an entertaining and immersive novel with lots of exciting twists and rising stakes that kept me eagerly turning the pages. The conclusion leaves the door open for a sequel with a few unresolved plot threads, but, overall, it's a satisfying ending that leaves the reader confident this team of scientists and successful businessmen will eventually create a powerful coalition to help make the future a better place for all. Recommended to fans of both thrillers and hard science action tales.