We'll Always Have Poison

Dr. Lily Robinson Novel (book 4)

Fiction - Thriller - Environmental
284 Pages
Reviewed on 09/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

BJ Magnani's We'll Always Have Poison is the fourth book in the Dr. Lily Robinson series. Dr. Lily Robinson was a specialist in poisons and was often brought in to help with poisoning cases. A scientist, Daniel Williams, was scuba diving and documenting changes to coral when he was found dead on a beach off the northeast coast of Australia. A poisonous sea snake bite killed Daniel, but this sea snake was not usually found in that area. Lily was brought in as she was familiar with the climate scientist’s studies and poisons. She was still recovering from her previous mission and was joined by Parker and JP, a team primarily responsible for suppressing terrorist threats. JP and Lily were lovers but preferred to keep their relationship a secret.

We’ll Always Have Poison by BJ Magnani was intriguing and complicated. The story was fast-paced and jam-packed with action that never stopped. The study of poisons fascinated me, and I found it interesting how it was used in the story. The events were descriptive, and it was easy to feel as if I was part of the investigating team. The characters were authentic, and there were a few characters I did not like. I could relate to the characters who were sincere and trustworthy. Lily struggled to process and remember the events of long ago. Parts of her past were revealed now and then in the narrative. This story was masterfully written and hooked me from the start until the end.