Web Weavers of Codington

Fiction - Mystery - Murder
187 Pages
Reviewed on 06/10/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Web Weavers of Codington is the second installment in the Codington Crimes Series by Linda Chamley Johnson. Fresh from her one-year break in England, twenty-four-year-old Arliss Nolan is eager to get her life back on track. She has purchased a two-story cottage on a solitary island in Cottonwood Lake, Codington, seeking a peaceful life with her beloved dog, Peggy. But things start unraveling when Peggy leads her to some human bones buried under the foundation of her new home. Meanwhile, she has decided to end her affair with her former psychiatrist, Ben Best, a married philanderer. Her friend, Detective Grace Statton, delves into the mystery behind the bones along with her colleagues and discovers their links to Ben, who is now in critical condition after a car accident. Who is the killer putting everyone's lives in danger?

With a gripping plot packed with suspense and intrigue, Linda Chamley Johnson has created an absolute treat of a novel for sleuth mystery lovers. Intricately crafted and filled with shocking reveals and wild twists and turns, Web Weavers of Codington is just the kind of whodunit tale you want for a quiet evening read. The author moves the plot swiftly, using an absorbing narrative style that never lets you take your eyes off the pages. The characters have backstories that add layers to their personalities, and their inter-relationship dynamics were one of the book's primary highlights for me. Arliss, Grace, and Peggy were my favorite characters of the bunch. If you're a fan of whodunit murder mysteries, I highly recommend you grab yourself a copy. You won't regret it!

Olga Markova

Web Weavers of Codington by Linda Chamley Johnson is a riveting blend of crime, mystery, and psychological thriller. Recovering from the tragic deaths of her parents, Arliss Nolan returns to the USA from England and buys an old lakeside stone cottage. Settling in with her tripod dog Peg, Arliss invites her childhood friend Connie for a sleepover. Exploring the cottage, Connie and Arliss discover strange artifacts: a suitcase with crumpled clothes, jewelry, a purse, a wallet, photographs, and a custom puzzle featuring the redhead woman whose photograph they discovered in the attic. Then Peg brings home a human jawbone with shiny teeth. Shocked, Arliss calls on her aunt, Grace Statton, Coddington’s lead detective, and reports Peg’s trophy. What will Grace discover?

Linda Chamley Johnson’s Web Weavers of Codington is the second book in the Codington Crimes Series, but it reads perfectly well as a standalone. I enjoyed every moment of this breathtaking, atmospheric, fast-moving, and suspenseful mystery. Every character is thoroughly developed, and Peg offers a good respite from the unexpected twists and tensions of the eventful plot. In addition, I liked how Linda went the extra mile and crafted thought-provoking and psychological aspects of this story, juxtaposing the wicked twists of adultery and revenge with virtuous parental love and clean romance. But what made this novel stand out for me was the professionalism and empathy of Grace and her team of detectives. I highly recommend this brilliant mystery to crime fiction, adventure, and psychological thriller fans.

Alma Boucher

In Web Weavers of Codington, a murder mystery by Linda Chamley Johnson, Arliss Nolan was looking for the contentment and tranquility she experienced in England. After spending a sabbatical year, Arliss transformed her mindset and outlook, enabling her to emerge from her shell. She bought a two-story stone cottage north of Codington that was perfect for her requirements. Connie, a childhood friend of Arliss, spent time with her in the cottage, where they found a velvet bag of intriguing rings. Later, they found a suitcase with a purse and wallet inside that looked as if it had been packed in a hurry. But when Peg, Arliss’s three-legged dog, found a human jawbone, it was time to call Detective Grace Statton.

Web Weavers of Codington by Linda Chamley Johnson is complex and intriguing. There was so much happening, and there was never a dull moment. I was hooked from the start and kept guessing until the end. This is a page-turner that I could not put it down. The surroundings and the events were descriptive, and the shadowy web design on the stained glass must have been amazing; I would have loved to see it. The characters were authentic and relatable and could have been anyone I knew. I fell in love with Peg, the three-legged dog. She loved to explore, dig around the cottage, and bring her treasures home. This book is a brilliantly written mystery, and I felt I was right there. It was much more than I expected, and I was intrigued until the end.