Under the Family Tree

Young Adult - Coming of Age
362 Pages
Reviewed on 10/14/2024
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Author Biography

Gary Feinstein had worked in science related fields for most of his life. But all of that changed during a cross-country Covid road trip out west. Perhaps it was the thin air of the Montana mountains that rewired his brain, making him believe he had an untapped creative side. Back home, he hunkered down with his family and learned that baking sourdough was a wonderful thing. He started writing and never looked back. The result is his debut YA novel, Under the Family Tree. Gary was born in New York and has lived all over the northeast. Currently, he resides in Haddam CT, with his wife and fourteen-year-old dog, near the 400 mile Connecticut River.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Under the Family Tree by Gary Feinstein is a riveting young adult coming-of-age novel that navigates the tumultuous waters of adolescence, family secrets, and the quest for self-identity. The story revolves around Dakota Lodi, a high school sophomore accustomed to a life of upheaval and uncertainty, living with a single mother who knows the local bartenders well enough to get Christmas cards from them. Dakota’s escape is her private universe, “Dakotaworld,” where she can stay under the radar, immerse herself in music playlists, and spend time with her loyal friend, Rosie Peña. But when her mother is sentenced to four years in prison on drug charges, Dakota’s fragile world crumbles.

Gary Feinstein does an excellent job of capturing the inner turmoil and resilience of a teenager grappling with her mother’s incarceration and the daunting task of finding a father she has never met. The compelling narrative makes Under the Family Tree difficult to put down. Be warned that once you start reading, all else will fall by the wayside. The story is character-driven, and Dakota comes to life in prose. Her transformation from a passive observer in her own life to a proactive and daring individual is emotionally realistic. Rosie, also a well-developed character, is a perfect foil. This book offers a raw yet hopeful look at a young girl navigating through a minefield of family secrets, teenage angst, and the quest for truth that Feinstein delivers with honesty and heart. This novel is a must-read for fans of coming-of-age stories with a twist of mystery. Feinstein is a literary master.