Two Tickets to Paradise

From Cult to Comedy

Non-Fiction - Memoir
274 Pages
Reviewed on 07/11/2024
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Author Biography

KATIE LOVE is a writer-comedian, writing coach, and producer living in Los Angeles. She is the author of the novel, Cubicide, and L.A. Artists, a collection of interviews featuring some of L.A.’s award-winning artists. Katie is currently hard at work on her new novel and slinging jokes in preparation for her solo show, The Everything Room. She can be reached through her website at

    Book Review

Reviewed by Richard Prause for Readers' Favorite

Two Tickets to Paradise: From Cult to Comedy is a heart-rending memoir that depicts a child's resilience in the face of childhood trauma and disillusionment. As a child, Katie Love lived with her mother who struggled with severe depression. One day, Katie returns home to discover that her mother has committed suicide. This life-altering event sets the wheels in motion for her memoir. Katie goes to live with her adult sister and her family. They introduce her to the Jehovah’s Witnesses religion which leaves a memorable imprint in her young mind. This innocent, impressionable 9-year-old girl then becomes determined to live a perfect life by following the tenets of the religion. But in reality, her life is about to take a grim turn again. After enduring a childhood of abuse at the hands of her church, Katie develops her voice through comedy and uses it to speak out against religious abuse and child abuse. Thus, she reclaims control of her life once more.

Two Tickets to Paradise is a bold, empowering, emotional, and candid memoir. Katie's story is eloquent, passionate, and well-written. Her story is extremely authentic as it guides readers through the various hardships and trials she experienced in her childhood. Katie is a true survivor! Her writing style is witty and strong, and she effectively uses humor and comedy as an outlet, a second voice, and a cathartic agent that touches the lives of her readers. It must be difficult to write about abandonment, loss, grief, child abuse, and childhood trauma, but Katie was able to discover her creative voice which eventually helped her to confront her trauma. In so doing, she helps others work through similar traumatic life experiences as well. Her book is impossible to put down. If you enjoy reading deep, inspirational memoirs, I recommend this one to you.