Tribal Honor

Fiction - Action
370 Pages
Reviewed on 07/29/2024
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Author Biography

When T.G. is not writing books, he is a martial arts practitioner and a competitive CrossFit athlete. He practices Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Krav Maga, Boxing and Muay Thai.

He competed in the sport of CrossFit, before blowing out his knee in the 2021. Like most Crossfitters, he would do the "CrossFit Open." A nationwide test of fitness that introduces some of the hardest workouts in the world. In 2019, T.G. placed in the top 1 percent of the world, which was not enough to make the famous CrossFit Games, but he was proud of it nonetheless. In 2021, before injuring his knee, T.G. competed in a CrossFit competition involving the fittest Law Enforcement Officers in the world. He was the 29th fittest Law Enforcement Officer in the world that year.

T.G. Brown is also a certified Defensive Tactics Instructor for police officers in the state of Oregon. When he is not doing his own training, T.G. works with police officers or civilians who want to learn how to stay alive in verbal, physical, or deadly use-of-force conflicts.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Tribal Honor is a work of fiction by author T.G. Brown in the action, cultural drama, and crime genres. It is best suited to mature adult readers owing to its gritty themes and adult situations. Warren Lawson, an elite Tribal Police Officer on the Jericho Nation Reservation in Oregon, faces a dramatic upheaval when Marvin Bingham, a man with a penchant for killing, disrupts the peace. Bingham’s actions attract twin Native American brothers seeking revenge outside the law. As Warren tries to maintain order amidst three killers, his moral convictions are severely tested. The escalating violence forces Warren to question his dedication to the law and his own identity, leading to a complex and bloody conflict on the reservation.

Author T.G. Brown's intense and gripping novel immersed me in a world where morality and justice are constantly at odds, and I loved every moment of it. Warren Lawson's character was compelling, his dedication to upholding the law juxtaposed against the brutal reality of violence and prejudice everywhere. He was characterized by brilliant narration and strong dialogue that showed his attitude and emotional depth well. The peaceful setting of the Jericho Nation Reservation provided a stark contrast to the escalating tension and bloodshed, making the stakes feel even higher as we got to know different people, cultures, and beliefs in authentic detail. Each twist in the case kept me on edge with a fantastic sense of timing by the author. The moral dilemmas Warren faced were deeply thought-provoking and well-considered. His internal struggle and the external chaos created a powerful narrative that explored the complexities of justice, revenge, and the human condition. The portrayal of cultural elements and the nuances of tribal law added richness to the story, making it not just a thriller but a profound exploration of ethical boundaries and personal honor. Overall, Tribal Honor is a novel that both entertains and provokes deep thought long after you’ve set the book down, and it is a highly recommended read.


I loved this book and can not wait to read everything this new author puts out!!!! Warren Lawson is a memorable character that steals your heart!!!