Too Much Left Unsaid

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
252 Pages
Reviewed on 06/21/2014
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alle Wells for Readers' Favorite

Too Much Left Unsaid profiles the lives of two American women from 1917 through 1969. Lee Collins’ characters, Mattie and Kathy, share similar childhood losses that have an emotional impact on their adult lives and their decision making. Both women dream of becoming well-educated and self-reliant, but these women live in an era when men go off to fight wars while the womenfolk keep the home fires burning. Mattie’s dream of obtaining a college education is thwarted, so she agrees to marry Ron. Kathy is literally swept off her feet and marries Josh in a rush. In a small Ohio township, the lives of these women become joined forever. Mattie is determined not to repeat the sins of her mother while pining over the loss of her younger sister. Kathy continues to seek independence, stumbles along the way and faces the pitfalls of a society that is not ready to set her free.

Ms. Collins’ story mixes a powerful brew of love in this heart-warming family saga of opposing social, political and religious views. Her characters are strong-willed, open-hearted and forgiving. Beginning with World War I, and up to the war in Vietnam, hearts are won and lives are sacrificed as our characters, Mattie and Kathy, deliver a fine representation of American life during the 20th century. From the 1930s movie theaters to the home perms of the 1960s, Too Much Left Unsaid is a story to be savored over a tall glass of iced tea and a plate of Mattie’s special Toll House cookies.