The Dark Prince of Lazera

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
275 Pages
Reviewed on 06/05/2024
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Author Biography

Hi! My name is Rachel Croxton and I've enjoyed writing all kinds of funny little stories since I was about eleven years old. I'm a gigantic nerd so I'm super into things like Star Wars and anime. I binge a lot of tv shows, and my favorites are The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural and Brooklyn 99.

I've always made it a goal of mine to write the kinds of books that I want to read. Growing up I read a lot of books with bad and unsatisfying endings. So I made it my goal to write books with happy and/or satisfying conclusions. If you agree and you think those are the kinds of books you'd like to read too, go ahead and check out some of mine!

Feel free to contact me any time via my email, I'm happy to chat with you.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Demetria Head for Readers' Favorite

Rachel E. Croxton’s The Dark Prince of Lazera transports readers to the enchanting world of Zormonia, where Simina, a poor girl from the village of Lazera, finds solace in the pages of her beloved books. Simina’s favorite tales of fairy tales and romance offer her an escape from her mundane reality. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she stumbles upon a mysterious book titled The Dark Prince of Lazera, which speaks of an evil prince with dark magic. Initially skeptical of the book's claims, Simina's disbelief is shattered by a fateful encounter that brings the dark prince into her reality, setting off a chain of events that forever alter her life.

Rachel Croxton excels in weaving a captivating plot that blends the allure of fantasy with the complexities of personal growth and discovery. Simina’s character is well-developed, her love for books making her relatable to readers who share her passion for stories. The dark prince is equally compelling, a figure shrouded in mystery and power. The incredible world-building is rich and immersive, drawing readers into the vibrant landscape of Zormonia. It further enhances the narrative and makes it work for this particular genre. Fans of YA fantasy will appreciate the novel’s blend of magic, adventure, and romance. The author's ability to craft a narrative that keeps readers on edge, combined with relatable characters and a well-paced plot, makes The Dark Prince of Lazera a must-read for those who crave an escape into a fantastical world filled with intrigue and enchantment.