Token Huntress

Romance - Paranormal
334 Pages
Reviewed on 07/20/2017
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Author Biography

'Kia is a Token, no, she is THE Token of Vampire & Paranormal books.' ~ 5 STAR Reviewer.
Prepare to join a completely different style of writing and worlds. The international Australian author has a unique style of writing- creating an emotional roller coaster and fast paced action. Her writing and presence in the literary world has been described as 'the new up and coming author to watch out for' and 'hauntingly beautiful'.
Kia's writing ranges from young adult, paranormal, romance, erotica, fantasy and dystopian; including her Best Selling series, Token Huntress.
Her first two series, The Three Immortal Blades and Phantom Wolf have captivated both young readers and old, with her rich blend of fast paced action, romance and adventure and has won numerous awards already, including; ‘Best New Author of 2015’ by AusRom Today and been showcased in 3 x Glamour UK Magazine.
Kia has won numerous awards on her contemporary romance series, My Escort and erotica/ humour series, Aroused: Taming Himself Series. The series and unique storylines have captivated hearts globally and created a few book boyfriends along the way with Damon's charm and Hayden's cockiness.
Kia grew up in the Darling Downs Region in Queensland, Australia. Graduating High School, she pursued a career in freelance journalism. In 2014, having always had a passion for writing fiction, she decided to follow her dream of becoming an accomplished author.
Kia intends to make her books globally known and is already creating a name for herself amongst social media, fans, readers and spectators.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

Token Huntress by Kia Carrington-Russell is a futuristic paranormal romance. It’s the year 2341 and the sun's light has long since dimmed. Vampires thrive and stalk the world and a new society rules, a society of vampires, supernatural hunters, and the few humans that are left to fight over. Esmore is a Token Huntress and, at just 18 years old, she is a fearless team leader, pursuing the enemy with no let-up. Esmore has a problem, though, she can’t repress the feelings that grow inside of her. She is being pressured into a marriage she doesn’t want, and when she gives in to a vampire that she just can’t keep away from, reality takes a different turn, an evil and lustful turn. Life – or death – may never be the same again!

Token Huntress by Kia Carrington-Russell is definitely not a story for the faint hearted, nor is it one for under 18’s, given the descriptive nature of the sexual scenes. This story intrigued me; most vampire stories follow the same pattern but, teamed up with a paranormal twist and set in the future as well, this was something quite different. It started well and it just got better! The characters are developed so realistically that you could almost believe that you know them, that these people walk the earth with you, although given what they are, you most likely wouldn’t want that! The plot is full of action, romance, tears and rage, and it stalks along as relentlessly as the Huntress does. The book flowed naturally and I was a little disappointed when it ended – because I wasn’t ready for it to end. Is there going to be more? I truly hope so!

Grant Leishman

It is now the year 2341 and humanity has all but destroyed the beautiful planet known as Earth. No longer are humans the dominant life force on this planet. In Token Huntress by Kia Carrington-Russell, they are usually mere impotent bystanders to the battle that rages between the vampires and the hunters. Hunters have evolved from humans and are programmed to protect that species from the depredations of the vampires, which requires them to ruthlessly kill all vampires they encounter. A young huntress, Esmore, the most skilled in her Hunter’s Guild, is promoted to the role of leader, the Token Huntress, even above those older and more experienced than herself. She leads by example, determined to destroy all vampires, but an encounter with a handsome and strangely compelling vampire, Chase, will change her world forever, as she begins a voyage of self-discovery into what is her true self.

It can be quite difficult for an author to come up with a new spin on the classic good versus evil concept around vampires, but in Token Huntress, Carrington-Russell does this wonderfully well. What I particularly liked about this story was the author’s ability to show how easily the lines between two different groups can become hardened and entrenched, simply by what we are told from birth. Esmore finds out, despite her misgivings and life’s mission to destroy vampires, that all in not necessarily what she had been led to believe in vampire society. I loved the developing relationship between Esmore and Chase, especially the way Chase toyed with her emotions, knowing that deep down Esmore knew she was supposed to hate him with a passion, yet somehow she knew she couldn’t. I really enjoyed this fresh, innovative story and was pleased when it became obvious we would hear more of Chase, Esmore and their clan. An excellent read for lovers of the genre and for all readers.

Benjamin Ookami

You’d know that defeating a vampire that is more than one hundred and fifty years old won’t come easy if you’ve read Kia Carrington-Russell’s paranormal romance offering entitled Token Huntress. The technology age has ended. It is now the age of survival in a world where humans are sitting ducks while vampires and sabers are sought after by hunters, a result of scientific experiments gone right, or wrong, depending on which side you’re on. The token hunter, or huntress, is in charge of an entire raid team of killers with special gifts. Esmore wears the title of token huntress, but she is not like other hunters. While other hunters have gifts and hunter eyes, she doesn’t. She is special in her own way – a Council vampire named Chase has the answer to that one.

Through Esmore’s first person narrative, I was introduced to Esmore’s life as a hunter and a romantic complication in the form of James, a hunter male who wants Esmore to leave her hunting for a life with him. Chase, the Council vampire, proves to be the exact opposite of James, but he is a vampire and readers already know what Esmore can do with a couple of arrows. I’m a fan of surprising plot twists at the end and the author dishes out a lot. Throwing in superpowers and mindless monsters, Carrington-Russell has created a vampire infested world that is the most interesting I’ve ever encountered. I would like to explore more of it in Token Vampire and see how Esmore grows with the truths that have been revealed to her here.

Kathryn Bennett

Token Huntress by Kia Carrington-Russell takes us into a world where the sun has been dimmed and the year is 2341. Vampires have what seems like control of the world, and are able to hunt their prey in a world that no longer is fully lit by the sun. Humankind finds itself in a society ruled by the vampires and other supernaturals who squabble over who gets to hunt the remaining humans. The Hunter guild works hard to stay ahead of the Vampire Council. Esmore is a Huntress who has surpassed any expectations placed on her at the young age of 18. For all her strength and leadership, Esmore has darkness within her and that darkness finds itself drawn to the surface by a vampire.

I have been reading various vampire novels for as long as I can remember. I cut my teeth on Anne Rice and have continued ever since. With that said, lately vampire novels just have not seemed as good; they follow too many tropes and have become mostly YA to a large extent. Enter Kia Carrington-Russell and her fresh, sexy style of writing that hooked me right into this book! Esmore is a tough heroine, but she also allows you to see her emotions. I love that about her. Sexy Chase, well, I mean need I say more then sexy? This book may have some of the familiar twists you see in vampire works, but they quickly turn you down another path and leave you wondering what will happen next. Simply put, I adored reading this book and I adored the sensual, sexy nature of it. Vampires are back and better then ever in my mind. I very much look forward to whatever comes next! Fantastic just fantastic. I have not enjoyed a new vampire novel this much in a long time.