To Sketch a Killer

Fiction - Mystery - Sleuth
308 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Get ready for a fascinating sleuth mystery set in mid-1970s New York City with To Sketch a Killer by Caryl Janis. Heartbroken after her beloved aunt's demise, Sarah Quinlee moves to a small apartment in Manhattan and joins an insurance agency looking for a fresh start. However, on the way to the nearby church, Sarah comes across the body of a man, who is later presumed by the cops to be the victim of a street crime. But Sarah takes it upon herself to begin her investigation while helping the detectives with her vivid sketches to find the killer. She also develops a burgeoning romance with Detective Gil Rian. With her bosses hiding secrets and coworkers having secret identities, will Sarah be able to solve the case? What if she puts her own life in danger?

Caryl Janis has crafted an intricate setting where you, as a reader, feel transported to the 70s-era New York City with its vibrant art scene, culture, and street crime atmosphere. To Sketch a Killer is a treat of a novel for whodunnit lovers. Using an evenly paced narrative with a plot that throws curveball after curveball at regular intervals, Janis ensures that readers have their expectations overturned with each passing chapter. All the characters have engaging traits and roles that directly have an impact on the story. Sarah is a talented sketch artist with a knack for some "Nancy Drewesque" sleuthing abilities. Her care for May made her instantly likable to me, and I was rooting for her until the end. In conclusion, this is a brilliant novel any sleuth mystery reader will savor.