Three Worlds Collide

Rise of the Demon Scorpion

Fiction - Thriller - General
452 Pages
Reviewed on 09/21/2023
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Three Worlds Collide: Rise of the Demon Scorpion is a work of fiction in the thriller, action, and supernatural fiction subgenres. It is best suited to adult readers owing to violence and explicit language throughout. Penned by author Gransom Hayes, we find ourselves deep in a gripping crime thriller with a supernatural twist. The story kicks off with a heart-pounding close call and then plunges us into a harrowing tale of a single mother, her mischievous daughter, and their relentless pursuit by a narcotrafficker possessed by an otherworldly entity. As the story unfolds, the complexity of alliances and the spiritual convictions of ancient protectors come into play, creating a unique and engrossing narrative.

Author Gransom Hayes has crafted an intense and immersive thriller that brings together the gritty criminal underworld with supernatural forces, making for some truly exciting and cinematic style reading experiences. The atmosphere and descriptions of the grim real world versus the powerful demonic uprising give the novel an eerie sense of realism with all the potential horror and suspense of things turning supernatural at any given moment. The characters are well-drawn with some realistic and deeply engaging dialogue, and you can't help but root for the mother and daughter as they face unimaginable threats. As the plot races on at a fantastic pace, the stakes are high, and the fate of humanity hangs in the balance, driving the tension to its peak. Overall, Three Worlds Collide is a rollercoaster of suspense and supernatural intrigue that keeps you guessing until the very end. It's a riveting read that offers a fresh take on the crime thriller genre, making it a must-read for fans of crime fiction and supernatural suspense alike.