There's an Elephant in the Bathroom

Children - Picture Book
32 Pages
Reviewed on 07/30/2024
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Author Biography

When Effie was a little girl, she would go on the most unforgettable adventures, all within the comfort of her own home. For you see, her imagination would magically transport her to both new and long-lost worlds. To this day, she remains a kid at heart and goes on adventures with her family as often as possible--some out in the world and others with a bit of imagination. After a startling sound and a simple phrase turned into a family game, Effie's writing journey began to preserve those memories and create keepsakes for her son.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Demetria Head for Readers' Favorite

There’s an Elephant in the Bathroom by Effie Davis, with lively illustrations by Monika Marzec, is a delightful adventure that combines curiosity, fun facts, and whimsical illustrations. The story begins with Emmett and his loyal dog Addie hearing a mysterious noise coming from the bathroom. Eager to solve the mystery and avoid waking Emmett’s dad, the duo embarks on an investigation to find out what—or who—is causing the commotion. Their first clue is a telltale elephant hair found in the shower. As Emmett shares fascinating facts about elephants, such as how they use their trunks to shower, the adventure continues as they search the house for more clues about the elusive elephant’s whereabouts. Emmett and Addie follow a trail of clues and intriguing information, making for a fun-filled exploration around the house.

Readers will be captivated by the playful and engaging storyline of There’s an Elephant in the Bathroom. Effie Davis’s story combines the excitement of a detective quest with educational tidbits about elephants, making learning fun and interactive. The illustrations by Monika Marzec enhance the read with dynamic, action-packed visuals that are rich in blues and vibrant hues, adding depth and energy to each scene. The artwork brings the story to life, capturing the playful spirit of Emmett’s adventure and the mystery of the hidden elephant. Effie Davis has created a charming narrative that is a perfect blend of curiosity, humor, and education, providing an entertaining and visually appealing read for children and their families.