The Worst Team Ever

Children - General
140 Pages
Reviewed on 07/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Worst Team Ever is penned by author Mateo Sommer in the action, sports, and drama genres for young independent readers to enjoy. The plot follows Noah and Daniel, two new students eager to fit in and find friendship. Noah, who wears a cochlear implant, wants to be part of a group, while Daniel, frequently uprooted by his parents, longs for stability and friends. Despite their differences, they become close friends and join the local soccer team, notorious for being the worst ever. Their journey on the team tests their friendship, perseverance, and self-discovery as they navigate the challenges of sports and school life together.

Author Mateo Sommer has crafted a truly heartwarming and engaging read that delves into the themes of friendship, resilience, and self-acceptance. Young readers will find it easy to form a deep connection with Noah and Daniel, empathizing with their hopes and struggles thanks to some brilliant speech and thought presentation. The narrative style is emotive and detailed, and Noah's experience with a cochlear implant and Daniel's yearning for stability are portrayed with sensitivity and authenticity throughout. Their friendship is played out with dialogue that sounds age-appropriate but also manages to convey the complexity of their emotional journeys, highlighting the importance of understanding and acceptance. Amidst the humor and warmth of the tale, there are also enjoyable lessons in teamwork and perseverance, as well as the brilliance of finding joy and camaraderie in their shared efforts. Overall, The Worst Team Ever is a book that I’d certainly recommend at home and in the classroom.